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  1. sanid

    Perfect Agility AIO

    liked, trial would be nice, also have your mining script :3
  2. liked the thread if i would get at trial that would be superb :3
  3. why does it stand frozen after depositing ores in to the payload if the payload is broken?? for me it doesn't know how to fix the payload with hammer. Bot only moves when someone else has fixed it and my XP drop comes. edit: and even if the struts/payload weren't broken, still isn't it bot-like or inefficient to stand by waiting the xp drop before going to collect it? shouldn't it be smart to go instantly waiting for the ores to other side? EDIT2: apparently the script also gets stuck when going upstairs and trying to get past the first rock to the north.... it just always mines the rock but doesn't move anywhere..... sigh
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