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    The Netherlands
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    Browsing the forums, Also I like to stalk Raflesia, Anywhere.

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  1. Hey, Im looking to buy OSRS GP for a good Paypal rate. Now, I buy pretty often, so I'd like to add a few of you trusted gold sellers. Right now I need a quick 50m. PM me your skype and rate and Ill get to you asap.
  2. As posted above it will expire in a year. That ban meter thingy on your profile will go back to normal.
  3. Has been bought: However you can still contact me in my PM as I will most likely buy some big orders in the future.
  4. Drop me your skype & Rates. *HAS TO BE TRUSTED*
  5. Lmao what you guys on about? I meant OSRS Gp for PP lol.
  6. PM me your RATE and SKYPE. Trusted only.
  7. Mining, MLM and fun in one sentence.. No. Topic can be closed!
  8. Alright cheers boys. Guess Ill pay some peepz or something.
  9. So since mining is incredibly slow, I was wondering if I should bot it for just the few levels that I need (Around 500k EXP) However I got banned back in 2014. I was botting combat back then. Ban meter: http://prntscr.com/i0gpk7 What do you think, would I get perm banned or a 2 day ban again? The account is quite old if that counts.
  10. Need a quick 30m. PM me your skype with your price and Ill get back to you.
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