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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Kurd

  1. Hey! I don't know how you can accuse me for this, but you haven't talked to me at skype. that's not my skype. Someone added you on skype and pretended to be me, and u didn't even ask for a PM. You have basically talked to an imposter, not my fault at all. I would like to get this negative feedback removed as quickly as possible, because this blocks my future business.
  2. i dont all stats+prequests and quest on like 13 hours. non-stop ofcourse. questin should take less. the levels kills most of the time
  3. 10-14M. If you were trusted enough u could easily sell 13-16m.
  4. well einstein, i know that. i asked if there is any way to get java somehow even if i cant download any programs. like i can use a link that connects me to a website and from there i can visit java needed sites. but this time i need to download to bot
  5. the computer dont have Java, thats the problem. and i cant download java cause u cant download anything on this computer
  6. its a school computer, and i can't install anything on it. can i somehow run bot on it?
  7. This stop me from doing further services and trades, the 24 hour is almost out and i need to get it removed. He was a troll.
  8. i know, it was the most stupid thing, cant believe i never put that shit on my account FK
  9. idk how, either its the bot site T*No advertising or i may have keylogger on my computer. can someone help me with this? step by step? i dont want to start over again and get 50m+ bank cleaned. anyways if there is a keylogger how i remove it
  10. ok,how much time he has on him?
  11. I've been accused by indigo who have left me an false feedback that i scammed him Disputed Member:[Kurd] Why: I have never traded with him. Details: I don't know what further details i should talk about because i have no idea why he left me a false feedback Link to topic: There is no link to topic, since i've never put out such topic. He joined yesterday and left me a false feedback, either he trolls or i got a imposter.
  12. actually they do cuz 4-5 people have been unbanned from permanent and their reason was macroing.
  13. can some1 confirm this link pls?
  14. well school has been started so i wont be able to play 17-18 hours a day. if anyone needs hunter or maybe other skills 99 i can do it. but i will be done in 17-23 days.
  15. When i use hotmail and send my appeal it says email is not vailable or some shit, and on their site it says thats the same email i put in. CAnt even send a ticket cause ive aldready send one and it says "Appeal pending" how i do? dafaq, not even possible to contact those assholes. p.s its about a ban.
  16. Added you on skype. We can discuss
  17. added you! just started a new obby mauler mate
  18. What Quest(s) Do you need done: 4 quests Do you agree to the Terms of Service: Yes I do. Have you added my skype username: Yes. Payment method: 07Gold. Will you leave Feedback: Yes.
  19. 99 hunter achieved!!!!!!!!!!!12222222222222""@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ http://gyazo.com/fba8c36616629296a4c71f4262f26685
  20. war-zone or not. no one expect someone shooting at 300 civilians including children and women. nothing to joke bout here show some humanity Damn i feel guilty for this. i wish there was something i could do something for the poor innocents
  21. Pro-russians have admitted that they are the ones who are guilty for the MH17 "accident". And that they thought it was a military plane I cannot describe how i feel for the people that died in the crash, i can imagine the fear in their eyes when the missile hit the plane. shit man this is probably the sadest thing i've ever heard. may god bless the innocents life.
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