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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Maybe if Donald Trump becomes president.
  2. May I ask how your anti-ban is? Because I'm running it now for 5+ hours and I baby sit it. The bot isn't moving the screen or opening the skill tab or clicking at the clan tab or whatever, is that normal?
  3. Found a new bug, when bot is right clicking on a bank booth or chest it's going too fast and clicks at "Collect".
  4. Samasu


    you do suck, nice background tho rofl
  5. I asked for a trial but you were offline so I bought it directly, then there was the bug of not logging out (you solved it now), so I asked for a refund and now it's deleted but is my trial also deleted or how is that? Want to try it out now since the bug is fixed....
  6. Samasu

    Fresh accounts

    Just pm me with your price and ill get back to you. Pm me with prices
  7. Samasu

    Fresh accounts

    You can check age at Hans I dont think I said something about bans......
  8. Samasu

    Fresh accounts

    I'm looking for 07 accounts registered atleast 500 days ago. I don't need any specific stats, cb3 is fine. Need between 5 / 10 accounts. Send me a PM
  9. Samasu


    Is it possible to run 5 clients on 5 vps in mirror mode with 1 VIP account?
  10. There is a issue with making (unf) potions. When the bot is out of items, it stays online searching for the items instead of logging out... Please fix this asap or I need to ask for a refund, I don't want a ban because of this.
  11. Requested a trial, looking forward to post a proggy .
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