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  1. Selling with original email, no bans, no mutes Comes with: Barrows gloves, Fighter torso, Fire cape, 2 pieces of graceful 178 quest points
  2. Title says it all. this account is basically collecting dust and is not played anymore. so i feel bad for neglecting it\ no idea how much these accounts are worth. also original owner
  3. Didnt post a proggie because too much effort, but for real this script has gotten me from 35-90 in a few short hours way to go dude
  4. i've never had a drop worth more than 5m, i can only imagine the feels
  5. Well if the vertigo goes away after time i'd rather feel good. it just seems like today was just not my day what so ever
  6. Hey guys, so have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go your way? Well, Let me tell you about how my day is going so far. I had recently got into a car accident which kind of messed up my vehicle but like what ever right. Went to my doctors today to find out i have vertigo ( http://www.webmd.com/brain/vertigo-symptoms-causes-treatment ) but that's not all, turns out my gall bladder hasn't been functioning properly for about 3-4 months and i have to get that taken out resulting taking time off work. So feel free to express how your day is going to make me feel a little bit better
  7. Chemical Engineering student i find my self studying around 4-5 hours a day, I have a Overload of 39 hours a week of class. hurts my feelings 9 times out of 10.
  8. In Canada we have 3 tests for a drivers licenses ( Mind you this is for Ontario im not sure about the rest of Canada ) G1 G2 G So with your g1 is basically your learners permit and you just have to answer 40 questions The G2 actually allows you to drive by your self with some restrictions for the first 6 months or so.7 The full G allows you to drive anywhere without restriction.
  9. I'm not entirely sure how safe botting is really, You should suicide bot and see how far you get / Post back
  10. What service would you like? Power leveling Are you going first or will a MM be used? If price is high MM Do you agree with the ToS? Yes What is your skype? Vaughn.zajda Will you leave feedback once the service is complete? Oh of course
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