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Making Rice

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Making Rice

  1. Making Rice


    i meant errr, it flows straight but it wouldnt flow straight, it would most likely flow with the path of the rocks
  2. i think this is your best yet!
  3. Making Rice


    I like version 3 a lot! The left needs a little work on the lava other than that it's stating to look amazing
  4. Making Rice


    this has to be my favourite by far spotted it out
  5. Making Rice


    yo hes fucking amazing wtfffffff, his pen skills are amazing what tablet you using btw? im using wacom intus (so noob)
  6. Making Rice


    i think the issue is that youre using 80% dark right? change up to flow with like 40-50% it might help, youre using grey almost black try lighter. that might do it. idk about focal being at the bottom. why not let the depth go and fix focal towards mountain top or sky, it could make the scene maybe
  7. Making Rice


    looks good, my issue is the depth perception. Im sure you see it too? its hard to distinguish between foreground and background, it seems to almost blend in but its clearly there. Could we try to bring it out a little more? maybe contrast more or desaturate the foreground to install light?
  8. Making Rice

    Scotty sigs

    thats not true. i love your art, make me something DO IT! make me a character or something
  9. @Reflected took way too long with this and now two potential students can no longer attend, we should crucify him for delaying so long </3
  10. oh and i did this for you i used what you made before and made the skill the focal, bought out the glows and added more contrast and eased the hue a little, hope you like it
  11. i like the funkyness of it. dont put in graphics text :P but making rice is fine and use some of your awesome artwork as the background
  12. YUPP i use it at ankous with void, its great
  13. no no it stacks. but the issue is it stacks on 1 target only; so its shit for chinning
  14. make something cool that i can put in my signature can be anything :P just throw in the text gift for making rice in there somewhere
  15. its there but just not loading
  16. WOOOOOOO YAAAAAAA. im gonna use this now doesnt appear ? O.o
  17. yeah.. i know but im too lazy to change it now
  18. Making Rice

    SOTM Ideas

    yupp! you the man
  19. to be honest, i sort of dont even want people to read that, just prices and skype hehehehe new sig to match too
  20. thanks, but no need for good luck lol, ive been on OSB for ages now :P im just updating the design ahah
  21. you dont have to ask, he will do it anyway
  22. I see white edges But it's okay because it's white and I'm racist
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