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face palm

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Everything posted by face palm

  1. Settings ---> Options---> General ---> Dismiss all randoms...?
  2. Go to reddit -- build a pc for me. Tell them what you want and where you live and they will choose the best parts for you.
  3. From what I have read, Assad is winning the war against the rebels so why would he use chemical weapons? Shit makes no sense
  4. What do you mean roofs disabled?
  5. Just died, it decided to not to eat food. Also it seems very buggy, at coming from strongholdm to edgeville bank, it stands outside and it can't seem to click on the banker. Overall, it is slow makes it very obvious that it is a bot.
  6. Thanks man, it works. I thought you used the Id of the item
  7. Lol... It only happened with your script, the logging out other scripts did not have the same problem?
  8. High alchemly is not working for me.. it hovers over the item, that I want to high alch and does nothing.
  9. Just got perm banned, whilst at fishing guild. Probably due to the fact the script/client kept logging me out every 10 minutes then logging me back in.....
  10. It continues to get stuck near the bank at catherby, he will just stand there and attempt to click on the banker. Also the script has trouble finding a different fishing spot, in catherby, and ends up standing still and logging out...
  11. Sometimes it's working completely fine and then it won't bank properly. It will just open the bank tab, move the cursor around and close it , then repeats. For me, it happens on walking mode 1,2 and 3. To fix I have to stop and then restart the script .
  12. INFO][bot #1][08/12 06:07:01 PM]: Price grabbed from cache: 383. [iNFO][bot #1][08/12 06:07:23 PM]: fish.atarea near_success 1004 [iNFO][bot #1][08/12 06:07:24 PM]: fish_click entity 10046 [iNFO][bot #1][08/12 06:12:29 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fisher... [iNFO][bot #1][08/12 06:12:29 PM]: // PerfectFisher terminated [iNFO][bot #1][08/12 06:12:29 PM]: // Highscores updated! [iNFO][bot #1][08/12 06:12:29 PM]: // Fish caught: 26. Good script... but if I leave it. It seems to log me out.. but wont log back in. Fishing Sharks at fishing guild using walking route 1.
  13. It keeps logging me out after about an hour or so? Also when it moves the player out of the fenced area sometimes, I am not sure if it is normal? It just makes it look a bit obvious that you are botting. Other than that it is a really good script, I really like it.
  14. It is an amazing script got me from 31 to 92 range in no time. But I did get a two day ban, but I don't blame that on the script rather my own fault for botting 15 hours a day =/.
  15. My bad, I was at edgeville at the time so thats why I wrote edgeville. I meant to say Al-kharid
  16. Using it at edgeville, it runs behind the bank rather than inside the bank. Making it obvious that I am botting =/
  17. You don't need 40, get 33 range and use a ranging to boost your range level to 40, you can then enter the ranging guild. It's what I did
  18. Whags the best thing to buy with the tickets? ie money wise
  19. Whats the banrate with this script ?
  20. Add potion support? Seriously would increase my xp/hr by at least 3k. Plus it gets stucks at different places and just stays there and doesn't log off?
  21. Left it away from keyboard the entire time, I was at work, flawless love it!
  22. I botted fletching from 1-85 in 2-3 days, didn't get banned. But the other day, I used an auto typer and got 2 day ban????
  23. Geez, I don't know you at all but I hope your dad gets better.
  24. any fun mmo or anything to do at all besides school you could Fuck bitches?
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