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Posts posted by Will

  1. 1

    You got off lucky, she could of easily lied and you would be fucked for life for that simple mistake.

    That is true and people can call me whatever name they want ^^ it's something I learned from obviously.

    I've been there done that & that... I've experienced a lot of crap in life from prison to the army... from the army to the streets all makes me wiser and stronger.

    I'm not a liar I own up to things and I take it as it comes that's probably the real reason people dislike me.

    M8 it's only you and will


    take a chill pill m9

    I supply them if you want one m10

    What pills do you supply I'm on like 12 meds a day otherwise I'm a psycho quite frankly.

  2. say offsite rather than "P*"

    Technically Pedophilia, seeing as age of consent is 16.

    Technically not even that ^^ I didn't go on the sex offenders list either it was a simple mistake she lied multiple times & admitted to the lies.

    I'm not condoning anything that happened that night simple mistake or however other people would like to put it.

  3. is it the same story as what i saw on p? that cracked me up because it showed how stupid you are

    It was on loads of sites buddy I went to prison for that she was 15 I was 17.

  4. You have made me regret talking to you in the first place. How could you ever put your body through Spam. Will that spam Will kill you.

    I'm a tramp that's all I can eat though. I think spam will make us closer because you know I'm called Will and I'm Willing to do absolutely anything for you.

  5. I had someone break into my car, but they left everything. Even the change in the ashtray. I imagine it's because all they found was a floor covered in garbage and a glove compartment with a couple of Monty Python cassette tapes and a smattering of maintenance records for the car.

    The best defense is to not play the game at all.


  6. No joke, that's why kids stay up at night all the time. You don't put them down for naps etc.

    My kids don't stay up all night ^^ My youngest is 1 ( she will wake up at about 6. My eldest daughter will go into her brothers room in the morning after spending about a hour reading books. My son is well disciplined ^^ he knows if he does wrong his favourite things get taken away from him I.E Xbox ^^

    My kids are not daft nor are they little shits / thanks to their mother and I.

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