Got hit with a ban yesterday. Was botting for 4 month + and all of a sudden got hit with a ban. Zero Total level to 1900+. All my own personal scripts which I've never received a ban for. I always mix up what I'm botting and never bot more than 2 hrs without breaks. It has to be client detection, because I also decided to help my friend get a couple levels on an account that was never botted, ended up getting banned as well for just 2 hrs of botting with breaks, with my own script that I've never had issues for 4+ months. Both bans are only 2 days not perma banned, so its not an issue. I don't think its just a 'ban wave', has to do with jagex detecting the client like others have said and mentioned. Stay safe out there guys. Hopefully the devs can figure what is detecting the client.