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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
hellll0a hellll0a 08/15/13 sold him an acc 12mil, good buyer, smooth and nice 2pac 2pac
2pac 2pac 08/15/13 great middle man - VERY professional. Anyone can truly trust this guy. Thanks hellll0a hellll0a
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 mm acc deal for me nice and quick, thanks 2pac 2pac
2pac 2pac 08/15/13 very smooth good seller. we used mm but hes legit :) hellll0a hellll0a
2pac 2pac 08/15/13 mm'd 12m for account , easy trade BawsZ BawsZ
ytube111 ytube111 08/15/13 sold him 5 pins, very easy trade thank you BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 i went first, bought 5 pins for 17.5m, smooth transaction, would recommend ytube111 ytube111
ibotscape ibotscape 08/15/13 sold him a $3 voucher he went first thx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 sold me 3$ voucher for sorc gard, smooth and fast ibotscape ibotscape
ibotscape ibotscape 08/15/13 sold him $20 Voucher to buy script, easy and fast thx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 20$ voucher, went smooth thanks ibotscape ibotscape
Divica Divica 08/15/13 sold me a gift voucher due to my paypal difficulties thank you BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 Sold him a $23 voucher for 07, thanks bby Divica Divica
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 He MM'ed 8.5m trade for me! Was polite and quick! Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 08/15/13 +1 Cheap and Easy GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby
GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby 08/15/13 mm'd 8.5m for him, fast trade thx BawsZ BawsZ
GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby 08/15/13 Sold him 8.5m through a middle man! Was quick and sent gold how I asked Ricky Ricky
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 Has my 8.5M holding for tomorrow GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby
ibotscape ibotscape 08/15/13 sold him membs pin again thx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 bought a 2nd pin for my skiller - smooth- great guy ty ibotscape ibotscape
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 Got 2.50$ voucher for 1250k 07 gold. No MM used was quick, easy and very niceguy Val Val
ibotscape ibotscape 08/15/13 sold him membs pin, thanks alot bro BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/15/13 3.5m for pin, i went first, very smooth and time efficient, less then 2 mins ibotscape ibotscape
DarkzSide DarkzSide 08/15/13 +1 gave me a nice signature GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby
Detroit Detroit 08/15/13 Bought a sweet signature from this guy. Deffinitly legit Krulvis Krulvis
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