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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Adriana Adriana 08/19/13 Sold him 1 more GC PIN, Fast N Smooth. Satan111 Satan111
Mystere Mystere 08/19/13 Sold him an Advanced Vps, really awesome guy will deal again A+++ Ohad Ohad
Ohad Ohad 08/19/13 Bought an Advanced VPS from him, cool and patient guy Thanks Mystere Mystere
Biohazard Biohazard 08/19/13 Fast and legit. Levi Levi
Ohad Ohad 08/19/13 bought 10gb vps - fast - smooth ytube111 ytube111
League Of Smurfs League Of Smurfs 08/19/13 Very quick and cooperative when I was sold a membership. dozervictim dozervictim
Zappa Zappa 08/19/13 sold her $20 VOUCHER, thanks. BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/19/13 bought voucher! Zappa Zappa
GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby 08/19/13 legit buyer Zappa Zappa
Divica Divica 08/19/13 +1 good MM easy and quick GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby
GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby 08/19/13 MM'ed a 8.3m 07 -> pp trade. ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 08/19/13 legit mm Zappa Zappa
Zappa Zappa 08/19/13 +1 good seller easy and cheap GrnTeletubby GrnTeletubby
Zappa Zappa 08/19/13 MM'ed a 8.3m 07 -> pp trade. ty :) Divica Divica
BawsZ BawsZ 08/19/13 Sold him 20mil 07 gp , i went first all went good and fast nygga2 nygga2
robotsftw1 robotsftw1 08/18/13 bought 16m off him for some coins in a programme thx easy trade BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 08/18/13 I sold him 16m OSRS gp, I went first, 2 B trusted! robotsftw1 robotsftw1
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 08/18/13 Did haunted mine free and saved me 900k. AWESOME GUY MAN!!! Swaq Swaq
luke999 luke999 08/18/13 Did a Torso Service for him-He paid 3mil first, polite friendly costumer! :) SshinigamiS SshinigamiS
dharmaaa dharmaaa 08/18/13 Bought 7.5m 07 from him via pp, ty :) Divica Divica
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 08/18/13 Got me a torso, very quick and reliable service! A+ luke999 luke999
Divica Divica 08/18/13 Extremely quick buyer, awesome! dharmaaa dharmaaa
noobs2k7 noobs2k7 08/18/13 Sold me a large bulk of items! Quick trade - will be comming back for more B2B B2B
B2B B2B 08/18/13 sold 30k snape grass thx noobs2k7 noobs2k7
Mage Mage 08/18/13 was a pleasure to work with, hopefully will be doing business with in the future Jordy Jordy
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