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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Deffiliate Deffiliate 10/16/13 great bought 10mil super smooth trade thanks mikey121192 mikey121192
LithiumVolt LithiumVolt 10/16/13 bought 11m os 2007 gold great too smooth of a trade :) mikey121192 mikey121192
mikey121192 mikey121192 10/16/13 sold him 11m 07 for amazon, he went first. 2mins, as always. LithiumVolt LithiumVolt
BawsZ BawsZ 10/16/13 Fantastic!!! Highly Recommended!!! thewookienator2 thewookienator2
LiquidMetal LiquidMetal 10/16/13 Fast and easy. Bought 2 accounts. Deez_Nuts Deez_Nuts
LiquidMetal LiquidMetal 10/16/13 Sold 10.8m to! Great buyer! Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 10/16/13 bought 10.8m I went first fast and smooth LiquidMetal LiquidMetal
Ricky Ricky 10/15/13 Great Great service, Fast & Friendly and was extremely helpful & Instructive! ejamesc ejamesc
ejamesc ejamesc 10/15/13 Sold a voucher for VIP(no deal topic so I just linked my gold thread) Ricky Ricky
furysangel furysangel 10/15/13 Completed two quests for me, quick and cheap! great guy. Cobwebster Cobwebster
Alan Alan 10/15/13 Did Death Plateau for him, provided me with items. +1 Incendiax Incendiax
Incendiax Incendiax 10/15/13 Did Death Plateau quest for me A+ Alan Alan
Divica Divica 10/15/13 Sold him some gold thanks Buy Gold Buy Gold
Buy Gold Buy Gold 10/15/13 bought 5.7m 07 from him via pp, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 10/15/13 Bought 1 rs07 PIN. Quick. Smooth. Personable. ++++ Unity Unity
Gayjex Gayjex 10/15/13 Very good businessman . Made sure there wasn't any scam or fraud with his items BulkTrader BulkTrader
BulkTrader BulkTrader 10/15/13 Ingame deal went very smoothly, friendly to deal with! Gayjex Gayjex
LiquidMetal LiquidMetal 10/15/13 Perfect! Legit guy! FAST TRADE ! thanks man! Only 2007 Only 2007
Only 2007 Only 2007 10/15/13 sold him 18m, he went first, all good. LiquidMetal LiquidMetal
Complexity Complexity 10/15/13 Sold Scorp 25m <3 Falsified Falsified
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/15/13 sold 25m easy enough (; Falsified Falsified
Falsified Falsified 10/15/13 Bought 25m 07 ScorpioZ ScorpioZ
Snabba Snabba 10/15/13 Ty for middlemanning 07 gold to RS3 gold! erkanerik389 erkanerik389
PipiDaga PipiDaga 10/15/13 Great service Drdoug Drdoug
Hades Hades 10/15/13 Trade went smooth & fast, nice guy! :p Bowstringer Bowstringer
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