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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Adisan Adisan 11/05/13 sold him 1m. thank you :) Royal Services Royal Services
Royal Services Royal Services 11/05/13 Fast/smooth and cheap! :D Adisan Adisan
PipiDaga PipiDaga 11/05/13 Fast/smooth and cheap! :D Adisan Adisan
mrbeezkneez mrbeezkneez 11/05/13 sold him 3m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/05/13 Purchased 3 mil. Smooth transaction. Will buy again mrbeezkneez mrbeezkneez
myrokon myrokon 11/05/13 Provided all required materials for the service, very amiable. +1 Incendiax Incendiax
Incendiax Incendiax 11/05/13 Incredible service, extremely professional and reliable. Thanks! myrokon myrokon
Divica Divica 11/05/13 Fast trade quick and simple. Ty :] Wuub Wuub
Jeme Jeme 11/05/13 Awsome guy! Did power-leveling for me Jeffy Jeff Jeffy Jeff
deadlywario0 deadlywario0 11/05/13 great trader, sold 15m, easy trade A++ robinale2 robinale2
rob231k rob231k 11/05/13 great trader, sold 15m, easy trade A++ robinale2 robinale2
wish321 wish321 11/05/13 Acted as Blocker for Ice Diamond during DT. Came overprepared, big +1 to Wish. Incendiax Incendiax
FluxOsrs FluxOsrs 11/05/13 sold him 4m. great buyer! thank you ;) Royal Services Royal Services
Royal Services Royal Services 11/05/13 went fast and smooth a++++++++++++++ FluxOsrs FluxOsrs
BawsZ BawsZ 11/05/13 He logged into my account and bought 30days. HuppariC HuppariC
botas botas 11/05/13 Very trustworthy person, I went first and it went great. JakeBona JakeBona
lll lll 11/05/13 sold him orion pro for rsgp thnx. BawsZ BawsZ
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 11/05/13 bought his gp's thanks again smooth as usual BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/05/13 sold 16m, thanks :) DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
BawsZ BawsZ 11/05/13 Bought orion pro client with rsgp. Easy fast ty lll lll
B2B B2B 11/05/13 Bought some gp, trade went smooth. A+++++ Mountain Goats Mountain Goats
B2B B2B 11/05/13 Great seller! Sold me 90M. I went first =) pelipalvelu pelipalvelu
pelipalvelu pelipalvelu 11/05/13 Sold this guy over 150m+ 07 through direct pp. Very trustworthy B2B B2B
Kittens Kittens 11/05/13 Bought a voucher, fast, completely trusted! Mysteryy Mysteryy
Mysteryy Mysteryy 11/05/13 Sold $2 dollar voucher thanks! Kittens Kittens
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