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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Celeos Celeos 11/29/13 Trusted user, quality scripter. Overall great guy! Monkalicious Monkalicious
Heaven Heaven 11/29/13 bought a bond, easy and smooth! ridnem ridnem
Nitrousek Nitrousek 11/29/13 Sold me 5m quick and easy! Trusted thanks! Lana Lana
Lana Lana 11/29/13 Sold 5m, fast payment, trusted. Nitrousek Nitrousek
Probemas Probemas 11/29/13 Bought an account of him great guy :D Sikkunt Aaron Sikkunt Aaron
iiconnor iiconnor 11/29/13 Sold him $10 voucher! Went fast and smoothly Heaven Heaven
Heaven Heaven 11/29/13 Bought $10 voucher for OSGP, great seller iiconnor iiconnor
Farcast Farcast 11/29/13 Sold him vip for 5m 07 I went first trusted A+ Faudo Faudo
HellenWong HellenWong 11/29/13 bought my gold thanks again ;) DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 11/29/13 legit and kind seller , see u next time HellenWong HellenWong
BawsZ BawsZ 11/29/13 Bought a bond off this guy yoloswag is fucking amazing beastlymaul beastlymaul
beastlymaul beastlymaul 11/29/13 sold him a bond i went first, thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/29/13 bought 6 went smooth will be back again!!!! lol RBD RBD
Corey Corey 11/29/13 Sold him 07 GP, He went first, Great customer! Heaven Heaven
Heaven Heaven 11/29/13 FANTASTIC! Bought 11.7m Fast Smooth! Great Trader! Corey Corey
Unversable Unversable 11/29/13 Sold me 9m 07 GP, went smoothly, great person Heaven Heaven
Heaven Heaven 11/29/13 Sold him 9m in chat. Unversable Unversable
ilegal ilegal 11/29/13 sold membership upgrade, thanks zaider! Violent Violent
Corey Corey 11/29/13 Sold him 3mil 07 RSGP via PayPal, Thanks man! Kittens Kittens
Kittens Kittens 11/29/13 Sold Me 3m Thanks! Went Fast, Quick, Smooth Great Transaction. Corey Corey
Divica Divica 11/29/13 Bought a membership pin.. Thanks! ilegal ilegal
Kittens Kittens 11/29/13 Bought 1m from this legit AF sexy incredible kid :D Swizzbeat Swizzbeat
Swizzbeat Swizzbeat 11/29/13 Sold him 1mil 07 rsgp quick and fast thanks bro! via PP Kittens Kittens
Trustmybet Trustmybet 11/28/13 Bought 15 bonds went first, thanks! Alch Alch
Swizzbeat Swizzbeat 11/28/13 Did a quest and got herblore levels for him <3 Trustmybet Trustmybet
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