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  3. Visit our website for gold & services https://www.virtgold.com/ or discord at https://www.discord.gg/sailing Always on 24/7! Live support
  4. I ended up finding somebody but I did see his name come up a lot in my searches, sounds pretty reputable.
  5. Buy your Fire cape 24/7 at www.sparta.rs Contact us via livechat on website, discord: spartars / Skype: Live:zuzel14 Join our Discord server Important note for everyone interested in Fire cape on ironman account To get the price send us a message on livechat with: 1) Your stats 2) FULL gear setup focusing on just ranged and pray bonuses (more bonuses=the cheaper it gets) 3) Best in slot food (per bite) 4) Ranging pots (Yes/No) 5) Sweets (not required, even for 1 def pures)
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