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will do thanks, karils top verac skirt and helm? grinded void for a day legit to get it ahah!


Unfortunatly, i was running the script at the same time as another which was badly coded, so my account got banned that i was botting it on, however i have another account that will need it on soon



edit; it only got a 2day ban wink.png will grind it for a bit after haha


I got banned using this script after 1 try, so be careful!

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[iNFO][bot #1][12/01 01:37:48 PM]: INFO: Starting wave 14
[iNFO][bot #1][12/01 01:37:57 PM]: INFO: Ranger forgotten
[iNFO][bot #1][12/01 01:39:23 PM]: INFO: Consuming Super restore
[iNFO][bot #1][12/01 01:40:28 PM]: INFO: Consuming Super restore

hi frost; wave 14 every time this happens;  It basically sits at the back and doesnt come out on double ranger, i have to manual walk it out, if you dont baby sit this wave it just stays there, nothing in logs to say what its doing is wrong it just doesnt do anything and just keeps drinking supplies meaning your stuffed in later waves


if you can fix this it would make the script perfect... until then its annoying as you have to babysit... the past 2 capes ran out of resotres (i bring 16!) on jad because it sipped 9 doses on wave 14


I was aware of this issue (when 2 rangers or 2 mages are both attacking from off-screen at the same time) and had it forcefully forget their cached positions ("Ranger forgotten", in the log). But it seems that didn't resolve it after all. I will look into it again



edit; ive found the issue isnt just specific to that wave it depends on spawns, and if the bot doesnt think it can safe spot the melle or rangers around the corner it will ust run bck way from it then repeat, even though it safe spot.


EG; wave 60; melle and mage left, mele is hidden mage is in the middle of the quarter where i am safe spotting, to reach the mage i need to take one step away from the wall, the bot doesn't like that as it thinks the melle will then attack me(it wont because it is only 1 extra step away, if it was 2 then it would attack me), as the bot doesnt know this it then runs back to the corner and drinks super restores, and repeats.


That isn't really how the script works. I'm not sure what happened in this case, but if you could provide screenshots of the simulations tab when it does, that would be helpful. The simulations tab contains evaluations for all available actions, including stepping closer to the mage. The information provided for each simulation include resulting danger, offence potential, travel distance, travel danger and prayer usage.

If you could screenshot the simulation that you think it should have picked (and the one that it did pick, which is at the top), I can make changes based on that. If you do, please click the simulation image for the relevant simulation to enlarge it.


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I can say its a great way to train ranged.

i went from 55 to 64 and still no cape xd.


all jokes aside, very nice script. except sometimes it says state unknown. U keep getting attacked and drinking pots but dont move at all.

The work around is babysitting the script.


And something i've noticed is. it will run around map a few times even thou it has most monsters safespotted. this wasted supplies brews and super restore. trying to retrap the 360. ( when you run you sometimes get hit by melee or ranged etc. )

im 70 def and using verac + max range bonus. i can get.


edit: sometimes it kills the low lvl 22 blabs first, while they are very easy to tank. this wastes prayer is there a way to kill them last?

Edited by dieg0
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So dont know if you are aware but if you are being attacked by a ranger/mager that is offscreen it will cause an error or something and leads to you standing there just taking the hits forever not fighting back


Script is temporarily down due to an error in reading projectiles. Will be back up ASAP


I will let you guys know as soon as the problem is resolved

Edited by FrostBug
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