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Why is poopy unbanned? He hasn't refunded everyone who he owes


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Disputed member: Poopy

Thread Link: see my last dispute against poopy (the one under dbuffed)

Explanation: Poopy is unbanned and he hasn't refunded me because he recovered two accounts from me. He owes me the miner acc which he sold to sibbernski and the other account was a 60+ attk/def/str account which he was selling or sold im not sure, I want either those 2 accounts back or a refund also put this cunt in twc; Cant be trusted tbh 

TLDR; He may say it was due to his 'rage' because of his exam score but at the end of the day scamming is scamming and will never be justified so for all I care he should be twc forever tbh as he abused everyones trust

Evidence: last thread

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