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how to place a sleep when smelting?


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i'm trying to smelt gold amulets for free crafting exp but the script will not sleep when smelting

here is the portion so far

i know 10 seconds isn't enough to craft 27 amulets but it's relooping after like 2 amulets which is like 4 seconds

			getWalking().webWalk(new Position[] {furnaceposition});
			if(getWidgets().isVisible(446, 32))
				if(getWidgets().isVisible(162, 33))
					getKeyboard().typeString("27", true);
				new ConditionalSleep(10000)
					public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException 
						return !myPlayer().isAnimating();
				Entity furnace = objects.closest("Furnace");
				getInventory().interact("Use", "Gold bar");
Edited by justanotherkid
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should work, idk if its clean though


with ur conditional sleep it will wait for the remaining of the 10seconds if you're done smelting


no, that didn't work either but there is a workaround i used to


return !getInventory().contains("gold bars") || getDialogue().inDialogue(); // the dialogue part is for when it levels up crafting

Edited by justanotherkid
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no, that didn't work either but there is a workaround i used to


return !getInventory().contains("gold bars") || getDialogue().inDialogue(); // the dialogue part is for when it levels up crafting

when im cooking fish, i use the while loop to check if i still have raw fish.  when it levels up  i check on the level-up widget, not indialoge, but i guess it both works

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EDIT: The following eliminates the issue of sleeping while proceeding with an action, as well as eliminating the issue of animations occurring only for a short period of time.


When crafting you expect an experience gain every few seconds, let's use this to build a predetermined time in the future which we can check our previous crafting experience with our current crafting experience.


We simply cache our crafting experience every 'check' before we are going to gain any new experience, every check, we get the current system time and add 4 - 6 seconds (the timeout essentially) to get our time for the next 'check'.


In pseudo code the following would be it's own method:

IF bar count = 0 THEN
RETURN false

IF CurrentTime > LastCheckedTime + timeout THEN
   IF CurrentCraftingXP > PreviousCraftingXP THEN
    PreviousCraftingXP = CurrentCraftingXP 
    LastCheckedTime = CurrentTime
    END IF
Edited by Final
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while(getInventory().contains("Gold bar")


I wouldn't use this. Just because the user has a gold bar doesn't mean that he's smelting, something such as a level up or unwanted interaction could disrupt this, furthermore it's a while loop and there's clear reasons of why not to use a while loop within a script (a while loop).

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I wouldn't use this. Just because the user has a gold bar doesn't mean that he's smelting, something such as a level up or unwanted interaction could disrupt this, furthermore it's a while loop and there's clear reasons of why not to use a while loop within a script (a while loop).

Why r u stalking me?

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If you really want to use a while loop, always have a backup so it doesn't get stuck in the loop.

obviously, but OP already has that as far as i know, he already has the logic for leveling up




@op this is how i have it


Edited by The Hero of Time
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i'm trying to smelt gold amulets for free crafting exp but the script will not sleep when smelting

here is the portion so far

i know 10 seconds isn't enough to craft 27 amulets but it's relooping after like 2 amulets which is like 4 seconds

			getWalking().webWalk(new Position[] {furnaceposition});
			if(getWidgets().isVisible(446, 32))
				if(getWidgets().isVisible(162, 33))
					getKeyboard().typeString("27", true);
				new ConditionalSleep(10000)
					public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException 
						return !myPlayer().isAnimating();
				Entity furnace = objects.closest("Furnace");
				getInventory().interact("Use", "Gold bar");



Easiest way imo is just to do a long sleep, and check if you still have gold bars / have leveled up:

    new ConditionalSleep(100_000){					
        public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
            return !getInventory().contains("Gold bar") || getDialouges().isPendingContinuation();
Edited by Explv
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