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Any LOL Players?


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Could play with you if you like being an adc ! and are on euw happy.png 

I luv playing support (p much the only thing i can do okay ) aaand at gold currently,  and it would be so amazing to duo with some adc. Like after many games get synergy and such, cant get that by going solo rolleyes.gif happy.png  


Edited by Miukuu
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Being straight I was stuck in shitty like S4, and then I started playing with better people (friends of mine) in ranked 5s. Eventually bought a smurf, went 8-2, got put in gold, and dropped a few tiers but learned SOOO much that I was able to stay in gold and play on a whole nother leve, then when I went back I could carry like CRAZY.

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My League IGN is Dr lvlanhattan. I main mid, jungle, and sometimes top lane. Champs I'm beast at: Yasuo, Ekko, Master Yi, Xin.


Currently learning Zed mechanics. I hate ADC haha but I'm down to play with someone my tier to rank to Gold. I can usually win mid lane 1 v 1 without getting camped by the enemy's jungler. No one counters me when I play Yasuo ;)

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