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1 Month b5 now b4


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I always blamed my team, feeded and gave others the fault.

Then I realized (after one whole month) that it is me, that I have to change at that there is no such thing as bronze hell.


I started to move the chat out of my screen, focused on my lane, warded all the time.

I started to win almost always my lane, once i got the towers i immideatly started to help top and bot, depending where help was needed.

I started to feed less to almos no death, learned how to place myself correct in teamfights.

For a short time i was even in b3, started to play new champs (illoai top) and dropped back to b5.


Now I only play malz mid / tryn jung and i think I learned a lot.


Most important for me:


- it is your own fault if the team looses

- there is no such thing as bronze hell

- if you cant carry you belong to your division

- always ward

- mute chat if anyone flames, dont chat at all unless it is needed for positioning






I hope i can make it to silver soon.



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Congrats, and yup you are totally right there like once you start playing the blame game, even if it's just in your own mind you get trouble.
I slip into it sometimes tooo stillmellow.png

Good luck with future games :3 

I used to be like 650 elo in season 2 and always blamed others , even though i was the garen midrolleyes.gif 
Now i just support and got into silver 1 happy.png



PS: Malza is amazing wub.png  farming with him is like so fun, especially because the enemies cant even touch you.

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