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Regarding All Runescape Bans


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Firstly I'd just like to start with saying that this thread I hope will stop the influx of people making "banned" or asking questions about being banned because it seems like its starting to become a bit ridiculous the amount of people asking the same questions over and over that have already been answered countless times. 


That being said lets make one thing clear. There is always going to be a risk when botting is involved, you cannot expect to bot and not get caught if you're trying to cheat the system. There is no way to cheat the system. Now I'm not trying to say that if you bot you will get banned we all know that countless people bot everyday and get away with it without any repercussions but the fact of the matter is botting isn't 100% safe, it isn't now, it never has been nor will it ever be. So to put it bluntly:


If you do not want to run the risk of being banned do not bot, period.


Now we have that out of the way lets get down to it. There are many factors that can result in you being banned some are more obvious than others, below I will list them then elaborate on each of these further down the page. Right at the bottom I will explain how they use this information to catch people effectively.


  • The amount of time you bot.
  • Where you bot.
  • What you bot.
  • What location you bot from.
  • How many connections you establish with the Runescape servers. (How many bots you run)
  • What script you use.
  • How many people use the same script as you.
  • Are you botting for profit. (Gold farming)
  • What days you bot.
  • Has your account got previous botting offenses.
  • How long you do a certain activity.
  • How many breaks you take when botting.
  • Babysitting your bot.



The amount of time you bot


This one should be pretty self explanatory, botting "inhuman like" hours is probably one of the first signs that will be noticed about a botter. If you bot 18-20 hours a day if not more, everyday. It really doesn't scream legitimacy. Now I'm not saying legit people don't play these kinds of hours because we all know the people at the top of the leaderboards are always putting in work like this all the time, day in day out. But since you aren't playing legitimate I would advise botting responsible hours.


Where you bot


Now this may seem as obvious as the first one but there is a lot more too it than meets the eye, everyone should know that places like flax are high risk if not 100% ban at this moment in time but Jagex also know of pretty much every other botting hotspots and which need to be taken care of. If any of you have have seen the "Live Q&A's" that Mod Mark and Mod MMG did you will know about their "Report Map" This basically identifies places in the Runescape worlds where reports are coming from and show them on a world map. So if you are botting in a known hotspot do not believe that just because there are X amount of other bots there that you will be safe, botting around other botters and known botting spots WILL increase your chance of being caught. Now this doesn't mean avoid these areas, this just means refer to the first point I made and be smart about how long you bot in these area's. A prime example of this would be alching, many people that alch will find spots that do not give randoms so that you can just continuously alch with no interruptions to maximize EXP, I know that many people (Including some of my friends) have been banned whilst trying to do this. Some even as short as 2 hours before being banned, a better approach to this would be to bot in a populated bank, by doing this yes you will get randoms and yes It may lag say if you use W1 or 2 but it will no doubt decrease your chances of being banned alching tenfold.


What you bot


I guess this would tie in with the second point I made but I'll still explain it. Jagex knows what is highly botted, no doubt about that. So if you do not want to take a risk being banned don't bot stupid things like flax. There are various other things that also have a high chance of being banned for doing, for example:

  • Running runes (Mainly Nats and Laws)
  • Fishing (Lobsters, Sharks etc)
  • Woodcutting (Willows, Yews, Magics)
  • Mining (Mining Guild, Rune Essence)
  • Thieving (Master Farmer)
  • Range (Range Guild)

Now these are only a few examples of places that are high risk and high ban locations, looking at the list there is a pattern. Referring to Point 8 (Gold Farming) Most of these yield high profit and are known botting spots, this should be a no brainer... If you're wanting to minimize your risk of being banned stay away from these types of places. Yes obviously sometimes you can't so go back to Point 1 and evaluate how long you should be botting there.


What location you bot from


Now the location you bot from IS crucial, Jagex has identified main locations that botters are from, now this one will not apply to everyone since this is more from a gold farm perspective but a lot people use VPS's to bot their "army" of accounts. Depending on where your VPS is located can get you flagged pretty much instantaneously for being suspected of botting. Below is a diagram of locations that are known for botting.





So if you are using a VPS or live in any of these locations try to bot from somewhere else because once again (Just like in the Live Q&A) that Mod Mark and Mod MMG did, they state that they can usually tell botters (More Gold Farmers) the moment they log in from the location they are using tying this in with Point 5 and 8 can pretty much ensure you will be banned quickly. Since I didn't feel like making just one section just for VPS's there is another topic I would like to cover as well which is flagged IP's. If you are caught botting your IP will be flagged so any other accounts that you are using from that IP will also be flagged and no doubt investigated and banned (This also relates to Point 5)


How many connections you establish with the Runescape servers. (How many bots you run)


Once again I guess this is a no brainer, if Jagex's sees that you are creating a vast amount of connections with their servers (Running many bots) it is cause for suspicion. Now I doubt very highly that this is what they initially use to catch people but it can be used add to your "rap sheet" if they look at one of your accounts then see that X amount of accounts are also coming from the same IP it can intern get all of your accounts banned and your IP flagged (Like stated in Point 4) This honestly is tough to combat but is possible none the less, on my VPS that I use to bot my accounts I have multiple VM's setup (Virtual Machines) That are all running a VPN with a different IP, this way if one of my accounts get caught they cannot tie my accounts together via the IP. But this can be time consuming but honestly it is the only way to combat this apart from botting safe  and hoping none of your accounts get caught. (Just a little extra note, if Jagex sees all your accounts logging in at the same time as one another it will also raise suspicion obviously so try to randomize when you login and log out if you are botting all accounts from the same IP)



What script you use


This part could become a flame fest so I'll be careful how I word this, some script writers are better than others (Pretty obvious) but the integrity of the script is really what this boils down to. Now I know a lot of people will disagree with this but honestly this is fact, many other MMO's use this type of system to detect bots / macros etc. So a good script will try to replicate human behavior, and a script that isn't as good will not do a good of a job at this and Jagex can notice this pretty easily. Now as before what I said about how I doubt Jagex uses IP's as their first port of call to catch botters I believe this also to be the same, but saying that it WILL contribute greatly to your ban and make their lives very easy to tell if you're botting. Now before I continue with this I would just like to note that this next portion I am not claiming to be 100% fact but like I've already stated this is the exact same method pretty much ever other MMO uses and honestly Jagex aren't the type of people to be trying to come up with their own system when they've tried so many times in the past and failed. So when they are trying to detect bots what they do is they take data of certain things you are doing etc and put it into graphs / bar charts using many different algorithms, and they use this to determine the legitimacy of your playing . Below is an example of what the sort of outcome all of the data they have collected will show them, the picture in question shows the difference between a bots and human players in World of Warcraft.




Now like I said this is just an example of what they could see so I can explain this to you better, you can clearly see there is a complete difference between human and automated play, I honestly doubt that it will be this blatantly obvious for Jagex but when it comes to a well coded script compared to a script that isn't very well coded they will be able to tell more obviously that you're botting. You're no doubt wondering "Well thats all well and good but what data exactly ends up in a graph like this" I'd be lying if I told you that I 100% knew because the fact of the matter is nobody really knows, Jagex have done a very good job at keeping their system a secret but we can piece things together and try take a guess. If I had to say how they do this it would basically be that they collect the data of certain things for example if you're power mining they would record: Where you clicked on the rock, The time it takes between mining one rock then moving to the next, Where you click when dropping, The delay between dropping one item and the next etc. etc. Now a bad bot on the graph a pattern would emerge over a certain time (This is why normal macro's are easy to detect) Another example is path finding below is two images from quake the first that shows human players and the second shows a bot (I really don't feel like explaining this because they're is nothing to explain since really you can clearly see the bots seem to follow a specific path and how obvious it is.)




So to sum up this section basically, check out a script before using it hours upon hours. Give it a trial run and see how it works, it should be pretty clear by watching a script for a while if deem it worthy of use. (I would also just like to add to script writers I know a lot of you work hard and release good work but to the select few that release half assed scripts that are so primitive you can see the flaws while you're watching it, do everyone a favor and please don't release stuff. The only thing you are helping is to help get people banned)


How many people use the same script as you


This one has pretty much been covered in Points 2, 3, 5 but I'll go into this a bit just for the sake of explaining. If you're using a script that is in a hotspot for example Yews, if there is a lot of other people using the same script as you this could intern if the script isn't very good, start to emerge a very blatant patten and get many people banned in the process.


Are you botting for profit (Gold farming)


This is a pretty big one and really should need explaining but hey, ill do it anyway. Jagex has made it abundantly clear that their main targets when it comes to botters are gold farmers. Now just cause you're not a gold farmer and you're not running 20 bots doesn't mean you wont be a high target. Jagex hates all botters but hates more the botters that are gaining not just EXP but also GP. So even if you are just running a single bot be very smart about how you bot when it comes to making profit. Basically what I'm trying to say is be smart about how you bot profit is involved, above I've already listen numerous different things that can help you be smart about how you bot because it will increase your chances of being banned.


What days you bot


Another crucial one right here, Jagex have started doing manual bans (2 Day Bot Busting Bans) now usually they hold an event for this so I've seen and it generally seems to happen Friday, Saturday and Sunday. JMods enforce these bans manually they might do this on other days also but these three days are what I would deem the "Main" days that this happens so I try to avoid long amounts of time botting on these days.


Has your account got previous botting offenses


Another no brainer but apparently not to everyone, I've seen a lot of people saying how they've had bans (2 Days / 14 Days) Then just going right back to botting what they were and not expecting anything to happen, if you get caught expect them to be watching you. Like honestly I don't know what to say about this subject... If you've already been caught once you really think they're just going to leave you alone and let you go on your merry way botting again?  No of course not so if you do get banned leave it a couple of days, start botting slow again not right back to 15 hours a day.


How long you do a certain activity


This honestly can be one of your best defenses against staying under Jagex's radar, unlike some of the other factors that you can't control this one you can. Try not to bot the same thing over and over day in day out hour after hour, nothing screams bot like 15 hours 7 days a week doing the same activity. Try to mix it up a bit dividing your time up between skills and other activities is a sure fire way to reduce your ban risk because it makes you seem more legitimate. 


How many breaks you take when botting


This one will tie in with Point 12, I think taking breaks is always a good thing, once again it makes you look more legitimate. Yes I know it decreases EXP or GP but if you're not looking to get banned you should always take breaks. If two accounts both play for 10 hours and one of them took two breaks and the other did 10 hours solid which looks the more legitimate? Its common sense people I really cant make it any clearer than that.


Babysitting your bot


This is seriously the single smartest thing you can do, anyone who doesn't do this honestly deserves to be banned for their stupidity. By babysitting your bot or even just doing the bare minimum and checking on it every now and again can insure that you will lower your chance of being banned. Sure this doesn't mean you're completely safe but it sure will lower risk. To give a couple of examples how this helps even though I shouldn't need to. This stops your account like being reported for not responding, JMod bot busting, and many other so if you're looking to minimize your ban this is a MUST.



Different Types of Bans


To my knowledge there is only three different types of bans:

  • Bot Busting (JMod Manual Ban, this is always a 2 day ban)
  • Macro Minor (Via the system manually or automated, these can be 7, 14 or 21 days)
  • Macro Major (Just like the minor it is issues the same but these bans are usually always permanent. Given out to gold famers or persistent rule breakers) 

So now that I've covered everything we'll quickly talk about how this all comes together to ban you. 


Firstly we'll hypothetically we'll say you've been reported and your account has been flagged and is up for review by Jagex staff, Firstly they're going to check what you were doing, then onto how long you were doing it along with checking the integrity of your game play. Then lastly they're going to wrap it all up with checking your IP to see if any other accounts coming from your location look suspicious then, if you have more accounts then they will no doubt ban those also. (This is just a very quick evaluation of what no doubt happens, Jagex could have a much more complicated process.)


Another way this could happen like already stated is a JMod teleports to your location and bans you manually, from what I've seen they just check if you respond since even if you have your all chat off you can still see JMods text. If you don't the ban hammer swings, plain and simple. (They could even check the "Bot Watch" system if they are uncertain)


The last type of ban is a system ban, now if you end up with one of these you were seriously doing something wrong, this type of ban basically means the system itself could make a informative enough decision to ban you itself without it needing to be verified by a human like the first example I gave. To put it bluntly your botting was way too obvious, this could be down too the amount of time played or the script you were using itself, I could not tell you how this works in all honestly.


Final Notes


I believe that I've covered everything can, if there's anything that people think I should add please let me know. I apologize for any spelling mistakes or bad grammar etc. but this is three thousand something words and I've tried to type this us as quick as possible so honestly I couldn't care. Now hopefully this should take care of everyone who is complaining about banning / asking about it. It is in no way Advertising other bots isn't allowed.s responsibility if you get banned, you've been banned for YOUR actions so bot smart and you should be fine.

this post is not mine,but it explain alot of things for us "botters"

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@Drunk currently botting like 10-12 hours per day,babysiting ofc,stil no ban...


How many days and if you dont mind me asking the script you are using? Can pm me if you dont want it to go public. Every script I have tried gets me banned after a night even with breaks and stopping it after 10 hours.

Edited by justwunt2botfama
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How many days and if you dont mind me asking the script you are using? Can pm me if you dont want it to go public. Every script I have tried gets me banned after a night even with breaks and stopping it after 10 hours.

currently around 7 days botting,every day 10h, i used ik defender to get my 70 stats in combatt,now using agility one the premium one...i did use strongohld premium script to,the point of botting is that its best to manuel bank,so dont let your bot to bank ,cuz hes gona do every time same path,jagex is probly using system to see how many times you do the same path,from time to time talk to people in chat,move mouse randomly,and ef you got banned alredy your IP is flagged,i preffer you change your IP

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