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Mandatory military


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Mandatory military service has always been a stupid concept. Why recruit people that are just going to half ass the service since they don't want to be there. I personally would do my best to get kicked out or just flee the country. I have a wife. I am also full time college. I'm not going to put my life on hold because in 2016 people still think war solves problems.

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Didn't say you weren't strong, I said you are a puss for trying to fake a medical situation to get out of going to the military.


It depends on what country you are going to be fighting for and if they are in any conflict at the moment. Not everybody wants to fight for their country. regardless of what they might owe their country as a loyal citizen.


I have to do military service at the end of my education and I come from Afghanistan. There is a real chance that I can be killed while serving for the sake of my country. To my government, I'm just some faceless nobody that's another body thrown at their army. So if it's that kind of situation, I can understand.


But other than that yeah OP you should go for it. If your still against it though, some commitment like school/only source of income for family or faking a medical issue will get you out. Also if you reside in another country and have dual citizenship, you can just revoke your citizenship and you won't have to enlist. 

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It depends on what country you are going to be fighting for and if they are in any conflict at the moment. Not everybody wants to fight for their country. regardless of what they might owe their country as a loyal citizen.


I have to do military service at the end of my education and I come from Afghanistan. There is a real chance that I can be killed while serving for the sake of my country. To my government, I'm just some faceless nobody that's another body thrown at their army. So if it's that kind of situation, I can understand.


But other than that yeah OP you should go for it. If your still against it though, some commitment like school/only source of income for family or faking a medical issue will get you out. Also if you reside in another country and have dual citizenship, you can just revoke your citizenship and you won't have to enlist. 

Well, you see, i am slowly working towards to my own company, going to military will mess all my plans up but w/e.

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Optionally joining the Military here and I've done my medical tests so I can give you a list on certain criteria they look for and if you want to fail it.

  • Eyesight / Hearing
  • Physical Stamina (not being able to run long periods/fast)
  • Before most physical tests they do a blood pressure test, its known that lots of energy drinks like red bull can cause people to fail this
  • Blag a Medical disorder that will result in Medical Discharge, such as joint damage,shin splints or depression 

Goodluck mate, personally dont think people should have to join up if they dont want to biggrin.png

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i would do it mate 



you would be defending the citizens of your country, and your countries sovereignty

if you want to make a business, you need a fucking country first.. if russia annexes your country you won't be able to set up a business when your in a Russian Gulag 

I honestly couldn't care less about this country, they accept fucking refugees even though their own people are on the streets starving, they even built new fucking building complex for refugees like what the actual fuck.

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I honestly couldn't care less about this country, they accept fucking refugees even though their own people are on the streets starving, they even built new fucking building complex for refugees like what the actual fuck.


well best bet is to move mate, try and get the funds to move into western europe

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well best bet is to move mate, try and get the funds to move into western europe

You mean become one of those refugees he obviously loves :boge: ?

Do it, the mandatory time period isn't much anyways and it's not like it's going to stop you from starting that buisiness. Most just have a training period of like 9-15 months and then you're gone. 

Then again, if you're really against it just become a fat depressed guy :kappa:

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You mean become one of those refugees he obviously loves boge.png ?

Do it, the mandatory time period isn't much anyways and it's not like it's going to stop you from starting that buisiness. Most just have a training period of like 9-15 months and then you're gone. 

Then again, if you're really against it just become a fat depressed guy emote3.png


well there is a difference between a refugee and a migrant, disliking both is irrational as people can't choose where their born - so you can't blame them for trying to better their situation

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