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Can't get my bot to open castlewars door (Need Help)


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As the title says I can't seem to get my bot to walk to the castlewars doors and open them if they are closed. 


Basically I need my guy to walk to the castlewars doors if my inventory is full and open them if they are closed. So far this is all I have after my code for banking.


P.S: I'm just starting out so I might be making obvious/stupid mistakes please take it easy on me :/


if (BANK_AREA.contains(player)) {
				Entity bankchest = closestObject(BANK_CHEST_ID);

				if (bank.isOpen()) {

				} else {
					if (bankchest != null) {
						if (bankchest.isVisible()) {
							sleep(random(700, 800));
						} else {
					} walk(DOOR_AREA);
			Entity largedoor = closestObjectForName(LARGE_DOOR);
				if (largedoor != null) {
					if (largedoor.isVisible()) {
						sleep(random(600, 900));


I made a Door Area (the two squares in front of the doors) so that after the inventory is full it will walk to the Doors. However as you can see I don't have a way of saying something like:


if (!largedoors.isOpen)



so that if the doors are closed it will open them.


If you read this far then thanks, I know it might be confusing but I've tried a few different things and can't seem to get it to work.


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 (BANK_AREA.contains(player)) {
Entity bankchest = closestObject(BANK_CHEST_ID);
if (bank.isOpen()) {
} else {
if (bankchest != null) {
if (bankchest.isVisible()) {
sleep(random(700, 800));
} else {
} walk(DOOR_AREA);
Entity largedoor = closestObjectForName(LARGE_DOOR);
if (largedoor != null) {
if (largedoor.isVisible()) {
sleep(random(600, 900));

One reason why it wont do anything, you have after one "} else {//nothing inbetween so it has no action to do here so it will not do anything. }"

I'll rewrite this code for you as well.

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {

        Area bankArea = new Area(2444, 3086, 2441, 3082);
        Area treeArea = new Area(2472, 3106, 2459, 3081);

        //Checks if your in bank area and inventory is full it will bank for you.
        if (client.getMyPlayer().isInArea(bankArea) && client.getInventory().isFull()) {
            RS2Object bankChest = closestObjectForName("Bank chest");
            if (client.getBank().isOpen()) {
                client.getBank().depositAllExcept("Steel axe");
            } else {
                if (bankChest != null && bankChest.exists()) {
                    if (bankChest.isVisible()) {
                        sleep(random(700, 800));
                    } else {

        //Checks if your inventory isn't full and if your not a tree area it will walk you there.
        //If the closed door it blocking you it will open it and walk threw otherwise ignores.
        if (!client.getMyPlayer().isInArea(treeArea) && !client.getInventory().isFull()) {
            RS2Object largeDoor = closestObject(2466, 2469);
            if (largeDoor != null && largeDoor.exists()) {
                if (largeDoor.getPosition().distance(client.getMyPlayer().getPosition()) <= 4)
                sleep(random(600, 900));

        //checks if in wcing area and area isn't full to woodcut
        if (client.getMyPlayer().isInArea(treeArea) && !client.getInventory().isFull()) {
            //Woodcutting method in here.

        //will check if its not in bank area and inventory is full
        if (!client.getMyPlayer().isInArea(bankArea) && client.getInventory().isFull()) {
            //walking back to bank area here.

        return 50;

There, Nice clean method loop untested but should work fine.

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