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Stealth Quester


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[INFO][Bot #1][04/18 10:45:44 PM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs Potion; queue: 22; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/18 10:45:44 PM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][04/18 10:45:44 PM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs Potion; queue: 22; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/18 10:45:52 PM]: position: [x=3162, y=3488, z=0]; next: Witchs Potion; queue: 22; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false


Getting this on most quests....


Just stands at G.e doing nothing


edit- reduced the amount of quests entered and it worked. Doing 4 at a time

Edited by talipen
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Love this script, noticed a couple things during my last run though:

During the Tree Gnome Village quest it kept trying to safespot the boss when I was meleeing. Did I miss a certain setting for this?

During Monkey Madness, it solved the puzzle correctly up to the last click and hopped world until I stopped it and made the last click. It wasn't doing the puzzle wrong, it was literally just failing to make the last click and thinking it didn't do it correctly. After that it finished the quest up perfectly.

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17 hours ago, dudees75 said:

Whenever I start the script, no GUI pops up. It just starts buying supplies for Goblin, Dorics and Cooking one...   any help?

Could you check what's printed in the logger? (top right corner undeer Settings -> Toggle logger)

13 hours ago, Anon_Bot said:

Trying to do Animal Magnetism and I have all the requirements for it, but when I start the script it just stands still in the GE for 10 seconds and then fully stops. Is there something wrong with that specific quest? Every other one has worked fine for me.

Are you missing ghostspeak amulet? What's printed in the logger? (top right corner undeer Settings -> Toggle logger)

10 hours ago, EPLS said:

Love this script, noticed a couple things during my last run though:

During the Tree Gnome Village quest it kept trying to safespot the boss when I was meleeing. Did I miss a certain setting for this?

During Monkey Madness, it solved the puzzle correctly up to the last click and hopped world until I stopped it and made the last click. It wasn't doing the puzzle wrong, it was literally just failing to make the last click and thinking it didn't do it correctly. After that it finished the quest up perfectly.

I never thought about meleeing that, it's like lvl 170 I think, but I'll add support for melee

There is a 50% chance the last 2 rows have to be undone in order to complete the puzzle, it hops instead as this is faster on average (may take several attempts in worst case scenario)

8 hours ago, zent0ph said:

Great script, used for several accounts but now the script isn't working anymore. I turned on view mouse trail and it appears to just be stuck in the bank and spams the infinity tab.

What's printed in the logger? (top right corner undeer Settings -> Toggle logger)

5 hours ago, Polikimi said:

Are new quests still being added?



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1 hour ago, Token said:

I never thought about meleeing that, it's like lvl 170 I think, but I'll add support for melee

There is a 50% chance the last 2 rows have to be undone in order to complete the puzzle, it hops instead as this is faster on average (may take several attempts in worst case scenario)

Yeah when I did that quest legit the first time around I did it safespotting mage IIRC. WIth the bot I paused and was able to kill him with 60-60-60 stats and lobbies, so the requirements for a melee option wouldn't be too high.


And about the puzzle: that's what I figured, but I was watching closely and before the bot could hop again I paused it to make the last click, voila. Maybe I was stoned out of my mind, but I'm 99.9% sure that happened. Maybe someone else can verify. Unfortunately my account got banned for unknown reasons so I'll be able to test it again myself soon.

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Getting following it wont start buying items and/or quests:


[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:35 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:35 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:35 AM]: exception while loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3490, z=0]; next: Dorics Quest; queue: 2; member: false; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: exception while loading owned items
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                    Dorics Quest    settings:{FOOD=Lobster, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Mithril full helm, CAPE=null, AMULET=Amulet of power, WEAPON=Mithril scimitar, CHEST=Mithril platebody, SHIELD=Mithril kiteshield, LEGS=Mithril platelegs, HANDS=null, FEET=null, RING=null, ARROWS=null, STYLE=0, SPELL=0}
#2               The Knights Sword    settings:{FOOD=Lobster, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, HAT=Mithril full helm, CAPE=null, AMULET=Amulet of power, WEAPON=Mithril scimitar, CHEST=Mithril platebody, SHIELD=Mithril kiteshield, LEGS=Mithril platelegs, HANDS=null, FEET=null, RING=null, ARROWS=null, STYLE=0, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][04/20 01:44:36 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!

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