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Stealth Quester


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On 8/18/2018 at 3:07 PM, Famske2 said:

It was not only for those two quest, had more planned along the way. If it was needed to buy due it not being present yes. Another example I can give is equipment. I'm using the standard Fire strike setup, (wizard hat & top, fire staff and amulet of magic) at sometimes it buys it again while it is in the bank.

It was a kitten. Yes, it was chained after the RFD ogre quest as a pair, but it failed in withdrawing the cat, the rest of the items were in the inventory.

Any ideas on the ban waves hitting the accounts using this script Atm?

I didn't get banned so far while testing the quests, but I've added minor improvements for the sake of changing behavior on several quests and will be adding on the rest as I go through them

14 hours ago, xgenill46 said:

how to buy script?

It's on the store

9 hours ago, mamo4us said:

Bot has a hard time completing Evil Dave, wont withdraw kitten. Sits at bank, unsure if it's looking for a cat or what.

Is it on mirror mode? Are you using the stable version or the dev client?

9 hours ago, jessedelang said:

Got banned for botting, The only things I botted over the past 4 days were two quests with Stealth-quester. Plague city and Biohazard.

Biohazard is not supported

8 hours ago, Diktrom said:

@Token zWUtstB.png
this is what i get if it starts the quest ( Elemental workship I )
it takes all items out from the bank equips the Iron pickaxe 

[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:26 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:26 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:28 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:28 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:28 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:28 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:30 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:30 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:30 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:30 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:32 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:32 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:32 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:32 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:34 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:34 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:34 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:35 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:37 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:37 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:37 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:37 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:39 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:39 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:40 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:40 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:42 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:42 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:42 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:42 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:44 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:44 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:44 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:44 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:46 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:46 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:46 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:46 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:48 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:48 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:48 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:48 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:50 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:50 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [0-1]*1[0-1]1[0-1]{3}1[0-1]0111111[0-1]$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:50 PM]: walking to position [x=2704, y=9893, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:05:52 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found

I'll push an update shortly

8 hours ago, Diktrom said:

@Token With the quest Fight Arena
it stand at the bank with Falador tab 2X camalot Tab and 18 Swordfish

[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:26:51 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 6
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:26:56 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(rg:103)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(rg:197)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(rg:39)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.Map.realDistance(dp:47)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.Map.canReach(dp:149)
    at i.Nc.A(bm:69)
    at api.NuL.A(th:20)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1257)
    at api.NuL.A(th:202)
    at api.CoM3.A(qk:42)
    at l.aUX.A(ne:842)
    at api.Prn.K(mn:214)
    at j.aUX.onLoop(pe:83)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/19 05:26:56 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 6

Previously started quests are not fully supported

8 hours ago, Nobotsallowed said:

I am considering this bot for my account fleet. Can i trial for 48 hours pls? 

Not handling trials for now

7 hours ago, UncleHard said:

We walking failed error on end of waterfall quest

Where exactly? Is that also on the dev client or stable one?

1 hour ago, johnnyt66 said:

Hey man not a big deal but it doesn't look like the new leather shields can be added to armor presets

I'll update the item data soon, currently working on minor bug fixes

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I've ran these scripts so many times this month, never got banned besides one time I got a delayed 2-day ban I believe due to this. Maybe I've been lucky, but a little surprised all the complaints about bans. Probably got banned because of a fresh account/script maybe got stuck on a few quests/or botting pre-req skills?



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@Token Not a complaint, just noticed that low CPU mode tends to be an issue with questing (Probably most scripts tbh though).. Had 1 account banned after most F2P quests where done as it misclicked a bunch on low cpu. 2 other accounts still no issues 3 weeks in with all F2P done. <3

Only other thing is on F2P quests it doesn't seem to utilize all teleports/stamina potions (Necklace of passage for wiz tower example).

Everyone else, just babysit the shit out of the bot honestly. I usually do 1 quest at a time, and purchase the items from ge myself so that it doesn't look weird. No issues :)

Edited by Raiever
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@Token Sorry for the double post. However I will reiterate to anyone using this.. Please purchase your items for quest BEFORE starting. The GE buy feature works, but seems to be the main weird action that is done by this bot. I also highly recc. doing only 1 quest at a time. It may consume more time but gives you a chance to walk around and look "normal".

I have used this on two accounts, both have everything offered done except RFD quests. One is 3 weeks old, one was brand new + bonded + gold purchased with no issues. Small glitches in combat where I paused bot and took over is all. Other than that it has been flawless.

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1 hour ago, shootsh said:

I’m choosing to cast fire strike and it don’t withdraw the runes? ?‍♂️ 

Can you please do a couple things so we can try to help?:)
1. List what quest or quests you are attempting to do.
2. Open the OSBot Logger (Settings -> Toggle Logger), start the quest with your setup, and copy the logger contents here.



Edited by Raiever
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