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Stealth Quester


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2 hours ago, wolfpackred said:

how many quests do you guys run in one day or hour? 


I really really love the idea of the script and want this to work but every account i've tried this on gets banned the next day? 


also does anyone have a list of quests that a fresh acc can do instead of grinding out starting levels :/?

I personally only run a few quests at once (probably no more than 3) and I always create my own gear presets instead of using the quick start options, those are only provided as a feature, not necessarily a better option than creating your own quest lists with your own gear presets

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21 hours ago, wolfpackred said:

how many quests do you guys run in one day or hour? 


I really really love the idea of the script and want this to work but every account i've tried this on gets banned the next day? 


also does anyone have a list of quests that a fresh acc can do instead of grinding out starting levels :/?

as @Token said, don't queue up too many quests at once. Personally, i do 2 quests at a time and have a 3-6 hour break in between before doing another set. This seemed to drastically lower my banrate as opposed to trying to get 32+ quest points on one day lol.

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2 hours ago, DurtyDurtyMike said:

Hi, Could I get a trial please? Script looks unreal.

Authed :doge:

2 hours ago, hakansukru said:

Could i get a trial on this one? i wanna see if the quests work properly i wanna use this on multiple accounts so maybe ill buy it, thank you

Authed :doge:

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2 hours ago, HoneyDewBubbleT said:

as @Token said, don't queue up too many quests at once. Personally, i do 2 quests at a time and have a 3-6 hour break in between before doing another set. This seemed to drastically lower my banrate as opposed to trying to get 32+ quest points on one day lol.

i did 66QP over the time of 1.5weeks, i play 2 days/week my selve, just got my 2 day ban after the update that broke the buying items in the ge that got me banned.


other then that use this script alot at the moment :P

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