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Stealth Quester


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44 minutes ago, adam k said:

whats the point in mm2 my friend, idk if it provides enough benefit - i think DT is more usable for the bot community? thoughts


Just sarcasm for all the MM2 requests I get daily :troll: 

Coding one of these quests in a way that doesn't generate too many bug reports when people don't read instructions (eg: Animal Magnetism, Plague City) would be equal to ~20 other quests so there are many things to consider before I even start working on them

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12 hours ago, ZWoods said:

trying to buy it but i can't understand the language ...

Let me know if you need help

10 hours ago, Onyx Strike said:

wondering if you do trials on this script before i commit to a 20 dollar purchase? thanks for your help in advance!

Yes, just let me know when you want a trial

10 hours ago, jefer said:

trial please :boge:

Authed :doge:

2 hours ago, Demps said:

@Token some quest suggestions , I tried to pick out some quests that weren't too overly complex.

The Feud ,  Nature Spirit , Misthalin Mystery , Client of Kourend , Monk's Friend , The Tourist Trap , Death Plateau , Observatory & Eagles Peak.

I'll take a look at them

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