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Stealth Quester


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20 hours ago, 619 said:

Can I get a trial. Want to test before I buy. And will more quests be added in the future?

Authed :doge:


20 hours ago, adam k said:

what quests are you currently working on? barrows gloves hopefully

They will be posted in the update log when they are ready

19 hours ago, DarkWhale20 said:

I just bought this script does what it has to do, when do you add more quests?

There is no ETA

19 hours ago, TheSerbZero said:

Script looks amazing, could i get a trial please?

Authed :doge:

16 hours ago, epicness70 said:

Considering I might buy it, but may I have a trial before I make a decision?

Authed :doge:

6 hours ago, Marto said:

hey mate, could i please get a trial of this? really keen to buy

Authed :doge:

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Hi there, I ran into a little bug while doing the Demon Slayer quest, if you have some free time I'd appreciate your help! Thanks, here is the report:


F2P/P2P:  P2P world, but F2P quest (Demon Slayer)

Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode:  Stealth Injection

Low CPU/No rendering mode:  Not enabled

CLI parameters:  None

Number of bot tabs open in 1 client:  1

Number of clients running:  1

Operating system:  Windows 7 x64

Scripts previously ran in the same client session:  0

Number of bank tabs:  Only the main bank tab

Quick start option used (or the quest list you created):  Demon Slayer only

Attack style:  Chop (Attack) [FIRST]

Quest:  Demon Slayer

Place where it happens:  Varrock, immediately before visiting the Gypsy

Logger contents:


[INFO][07/03 03:22:16 PM]: Started script : Stealth Quester
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting index: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting stage: [01]{8}000[01]{19}00$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting index: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting eating thread
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: DEMON_SLAYER
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Eating thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:23 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron full helm
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:24 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Amulet of strength
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:26 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Obsidian cape
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:27 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron platebody
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:29 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron platelegs
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:30 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Fancy boots
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:31 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Adamant scimitar
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:32 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron kiteshield
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:33 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Leather gloves
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:34 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Berserker ring
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:42 PM]: [DEBUG] Bank attempt 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:42 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to get items from bank. Attempt 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:43 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Coins
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:45 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Bucket of water
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:48 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Varrock teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: DEMON_SLAYER
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: Starting quest...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] FStage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Cape Slot: Obsidian cape
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Arrrows Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Amulet Slot: Amulet of strength
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Hat Slot: Iron full helm
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Chest Slot: Iron platebody
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Legs Slot: Iron platelegs
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Feet Slot: Fancy boots
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Weapon Slot: Adamant scimitar
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Shield Slot: Iron kiteshield
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Hands Slot: Leather gloves
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Ring Slot: Berserker ring
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Spell: null
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Style: FIRST
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Food: Swordfish
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] F2PMode: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:51 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[ERROR][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:51 PM]: Error in bot executor!
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.osbot.Con
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.WebWalkEvent.<init>(ok:254)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:785)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:844)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:872)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:1589)
    at i.ld.G(dh:151)
    at api.nUL.G(ij:121)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at api.nUL.G(ij:28)
    at api.coM3.G(el:140)
    at l.auX.G(ng:55)
    at api.Con.G(hl:14)
    at j.nUL.onLoop(oh:403)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yl:161)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:38 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:39 PM]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Eating thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:39 PM]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Death handling thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:39 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!


The bot stops after teleporting to Varrock Square with a Varrock Teletab. It never talks to the Gypsy to start the quest.

Thanks for your attention, please let me know if there's any more information I can give you. Thanks!

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8 minutes ago, spectrewiz said:

Hi there, I ran into a little bug while doing the Demon Slayer quest, if you have some free time I'd appreciate your help! Thanks, here is the report:


F2P/P2P:  P2P world, but F2P quest (Demon Slayer)

Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode:  Stealth Injection

Low CPU/No rendering mode:  Not enabled

CLI parameters:  None

Number of bot tabs open in 1 client:  1

Number of clients running:  1

Operating system:  Windows 7 x64

Scripts previously ran in the same client session:  0

Number of bank tabs:  Only the main bank tab

Quick start option used (or the quest list you created):  Demon Slayer only

Attack style:  Chop (Attack) [FIRST]

Quest:  Demon Slayer

Place where it happens:  Varrock, immediately before visiting the Gypsy

Logger contents:

  Hide contents

[INFO][07/03 03:22:16 PM]: Started script : Stealth Quester
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting index: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting stage: [01]{8}000[01]{19}00$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting index: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting eating thread
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: DEMON_SLAYER
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:21 PM]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Eating thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:23 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron full helm
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:24 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Amulet of strength
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:26 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Obsidian cape
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:27 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron platebody
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:29 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron platelegs
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:30 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Fancy boots
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:31 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Adamant scimitar
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:32 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Iron kiteshield
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:33 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Leather gloves
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:34 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Berserker ring
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:42 PM]: [DEBUG] Bank attempt 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:42 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to get items from bank. Attempt 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:43 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Coins
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:45 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Bucket of water
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:48 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Varrock teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: DEMON_SLAYER
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: Starting quest...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] FStage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Cape Slot: Obsidian cape
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Arrrows Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Amulet Slot: Amulet of strength
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Hat Slot: Iron full helm
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Chest Slot: Iron platebody
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Legs Slot: Iron platelegs
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Feet Slot: Fancy boots
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Weapon Slot: Adamant scimitar
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Shield Slot: Iron kiteshield
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Hands Slot: Leather gloves
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Ring Slot: Berserker ring
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Spell: null
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Style: FIRST
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Food: Swordfish
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:50 PM]: [DEBUG] F2PMode: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:51 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[ERROR][Bot #1][07/03 03:22:51 PM]: Error in bot executor!
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.osbot.Con
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.WebWalkEvent.<init>(ok:254)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:785)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:844)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:872)
    at api.coM7.G(xi:1589)
    at i.ld.G(dh:151)
    at api.nUL.G(ij:121)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at api.nUL.G(ij:28)
    at api.coM3.G(el:140)
    at l.auX.G(ng:55)
    at api.Con.G(hl:14)
    at j.nUL.onLoop(oh:403)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yl:161)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:38 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:39 PM]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Eating thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:39 PM]: [DEBUG][THREADING] Death handling thread exited
[INFO][Bot #1][07/03 03:23:39 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!


The bot stops after teleporting to Varrock Square with a Varrock Teletab. It never talks to the Gypsy to start the quest.

Thanks for your attention, please let me know if there's any more information I can give you. Thanks!

Restart your OSBot client and everything will be working

PS: That's the error mentioned above the bug report template, it's a client error dating since webwalking was added and has been reported many times by scripters including myself but has not been fixed yet. All you have to do is restart your OSBot client, this error as far as I know can only appear once in a client session, the first time a script tries to use webwalking so if it doesn't happen at start it won't ever happen. Just out of curiosity (may provide more info for developers to fix the bug) how long did you have the client running before you started the script?

Edited by Token
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10 minutes ago, Token said:

Restart your OSBot client and everything will be working

Oh ok, thanks! Sorry I should have researched it before I asked, but I'll do that and see if it fixes it.

11 minutes ago, Token said:

Just out of curiosity (may provide more info for developers to fix the bug) how long did you have the client running before you started the script?

It must have been about 30 minutes or so, I was doing stuff manually before I started the bot. I also saved the equipment preset that I was using in the same session.


I'll restart my client and see if it fixes it, thanks!

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