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Stealth Quester


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Authed 78ZISi3.png

Hi. I can imagine this script is really complicated and different users have alot of different bugs happened? because so much walking and teleporting..should be a chalange?

Also, would it cmplete witchouse + waterfall or fresh account? so witchouse for hp lvl, and then waterfall as it would fail alot on lvl 3.

Can i use custom food, like sara brews? would help with waterfall too.

Does it use jewelery tele? So glorys for draynor teles and etc.

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Hi. I can imagine this script is really complicated and different users have alot of different bugs happened? because so much walking and teleporting..should be a chalange?

Also, would it cmplete witchouse + waterfall or fresh account? so witchouse for hp lvl, and then waterfall as it would fail alot on lvl 3.

Can i use custom food, like sara brews? would help with waterfall too.

Does it use jewelery tele? So glorys for draynor teles and etc.


The food option was disabled because it was pointless, so now it automatically chooses best food and teleports

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I can't confirm anything because I didn't write the client on top of which it runs

Authed 78ZISi3.png

Do i have to have combat runes in my inventory and selected spell to use it for quest instead of using melee? ( i was thinking it is done automaticly by script, and it will buy rune for my mage lvl or smth like that..?)

It did not bought single recoil for witch house. You can't kill boss on lvl 3 doing without recoils.

It does not buy jewelery / teleports for getting back to ge / getting faster to draynor and stuff?


EDIT - https://gyazo.com/922c26ae12ed447b51367f26c930b812

jsut terminates it self after first try.

Edited by guywithlsd
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Do i have to have combat runes in my inventory and selected spell to use it for quest instead of using melee? ( i was thinking it is done automaticly by script, and it will buy rune for my mage lvl or smth like that..?)

It did not bought single recoil for witch house. You can't kill boss on lvl 3 doing without recoils.

It does not buy jewelery / teleports for getting back to ge / getting faster to draynor and stuff?

If you used the quick start options the gear is already set, if you created your own quest list then you need to set a gear preset. Take a look at the instructions on the first post regarding gear presets if you want to create your own quest lists

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If you used the quick start options the gear is already set, if you created your own quest list then you need to set a gear preset. Take a look at the instructions on the first post regarding gear presets if you want to create your own quest lists

For some reason script terminates it self without gui showing up.

maybe trail is for one use?

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Delete the OSBot folder located at C:\Users\<USER>\OSBot if you forcefully edited the gear on the GUI, use the "Load Gear" button to load gear in the future as mentioned in the instructions 

thats what i did first time, i loaded my own gear, but had no runes or spell selected so thats why i had that problem. Anyways. It would not do that script on lvl 3 if it does not use recoils if i remember correct.

I see good reviews about this script so i will just purchase it haha

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thats what i did first time, i loaded my own gear, but had no runes or spell selected so thats why i had that problem. Anyways. It would not do that script on lvl 3 if it does not use recoils if i remember correct.

I see good reviews about this script so i will just purchase it haha

The quick start options will complete Witch's House on a level 3 as they also complete Witch's Potion and Imp Catcher for magic levels before that, try the NMZ option if you are interested in Witch's House and Waterfall Quest

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The quick start options will complete Witch's House on a level 3 as they also complete Witch's Potion and Imp Catcher for magic levels before that, try the NMZ option if you are interested in Witch's House and Waterfall Quest

Ok, so i selected fire strike spell, i had runes in inv, gear. then i selected witchouse + waterfall, loaded that gear up, started script. It gets everything but not runes. It just does not udnerstand that it has to use magic for witch house..idk.

As i sayd, when loading gear, i had my auto cast selected as fire strike.


EDIT: So now i finished witch house my self. O decide to go for waterfall. I bank everything. I remove all my gear. I load my gear to be naked with nothing on me on in inv, i select everything i need in GUI. when i run the script, it will try to wear armor from previous saved load out items even if i have deleted every gear set up that was before. No matter what load out i select, it will try to wear same out fit.

Edited by guywithlsd
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