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Stealth Quester


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hey man i've noticed you've been giving people trials in this thread and if its okay with you i'd like to ask for one too, i've been looking for a script like this for a plethora of accounts. Is there a function for Ironmen since the grand exchange is mandatory?

thanks in advance, cheers

Authed :doge:

Only works on ironmen if you get exacly the items it requires




Just stumbled across this awesome script and would love to use it on my account; any chance it works on pures for combat quests?


Awesome work - thanks!

Authed :doge:


hey man awesome script, may i please get trial? xD

Authed :doge:

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how long does it take to complete the "all quests" just wondering? and will you ever add more quests?

~10 hours and yes


hey could i get a trial smile.png?

Authed :doge:


will there ever be a sale for this and just wondering if you could get more than one trial 

I don't have anything to do with sales, I just write the script and scripters giving multiple trials to users is not something appreciated on OSBot

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Finished the quests that doesnt require any reqs shortly after this, only had 1 bug and that was during demon slayer.


Started with 40 mage and all other 1s and 10 hp and this is after it completed the quests that it could do:


bREUfuu.png Started with 40 mage!!!


Started Questing with 1 qp (Imp Catcher) and this is what i ended up with:



Really good script performs really well with 10 hp and tries to be as secure as possible with high risk quests


Takes a little over 5 hours to complete all quests on a brand new account

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