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Stealth Quester


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Running stealth mode, this is all new. F2P

Sheap Shearer is broken aswell

The bot is broken right now, I was hoping it's just the animation hook. Apparently no scripts can be run right now, the devs are working on a new client update though.


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I went over all the quest code in the last few days and added some small performance updates and bug fixes
Added a failsafe for the case where there is a player killing dungeon rats during Clock Tower, which prevents all of them disappearing
Bot will now click on the demon during Demon Slayer when chanting the incantation if the dialogue doesn't pop up
Added sleeps between cauldron interactions during Druidic Ritual
Increased the search distance for npcs during Druidic Ritual as jagex moved a npc there
Bot will wait until the elemental is dead when doing Elemental Workshop I
Fixed some spam clicking on inventory items during Ernest the Chicken
Ernest the Chicken can now be completed on F2P worlds as I've added some obstacle handling to replace the webwalker
Prevented spam clicking Hengrad during Fight Arena while being force walked by the guard into the arena
Added more food for Fishing Contest
Will now stop searching for the kitten as soon as it's found on Gertrude's Cat
The required casts has been increased for Lost City to 200
Fixed spam clicking the scroll at the end of Plague City
The bot will no longer idle near Edmond for a few seconds during Plague City
Fixed a bug where bot wouldn't withdraw food for the monk fight during Priest in Peril
Rewrote the store handling on RFD Cook Subquest as a few users have reported that the bot closes the interface without buying for them
Added a few sleeps when combining items during RFD Goblin Subquest
Bot will deposit all gear which is not contained in your gear preset at the start of RFD Pirate Subquest
The script will also handle more interfaces (such as some "quest complete" interfaces on F2P worlds which may not be handled by the webwalker)
I have also added general fixes for what I believe are broken client hooks which lead to the bot just waiting as it cannot query the inventory/equipment containers.
The script will now complete previously started quests, note that it cannot access areas or obtain items that were reached through stage progression such as stopping the script during Fight Arena fights and expecting it to get back into the arena, but for quests like Animal Magnetism it should be able to resume progress without any issues. That being said, previously started quests which require items obtained during the quests or areas which are not accessible to OSBot webwalker should be run in debug mode by walking the bot to the area it should have reached at the current stage with the required items.


wow that is sexy. I love your passion for this script. QwPha8E.png Thanks again for such an amazing update token.

Edited by Convergence
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