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5 hours ago, L30N said:

[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG]Agrith-Naar
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG]Camerinthum
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG]Tarren
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG]Nahudu
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG]Caldar
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:22 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:24 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:30 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:35 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:41 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:48 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:50 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:19:56 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
[INFO][Bot #1][07/19 08:20:03 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 01010000[01]{17}1010000$
You need to fix this aswell, last part of shadow of the storm glitches out and just stands there doing nothing, it also doesn't bring the demonic sigil to the end part.

I'll look it up in a bit. Were you using lowcpu mode? Was the script execution interrupted during the quest either by pausing, stopping or the quest being previously started? 

4 hours ago, T R said:

Hi, can I please have a trial auth? Looks really good!

Authed :doge:

4 hours ago, Ninjaofdrift said:

Looking to get atleast a 1 day trial of some sort to see if its worth dumping $20 on. saw it on that one dudes botting to max series on youtube and figured id look into it. 

Authed :doge:

2 hours ago, Bnctacos said:

Would you be able to provide a list of quests you are currently working on to put into the script and a list of quests you are planning to put into the script? Btw I did all the quests at once didn't get banned. SO AWESOME SCRIPT!!!

They will be posted on the update log, the quests were actually ready for a very long time but replacing the whole API has been a huge concern since the current one had lots of bugs in the first release versions. Stealth Builder has been running the new API (released in a small script mostly for testing purpose so the impact would be 100 smaller) and despite working a lot on it, I still received ~10 bug reports within the last 2 months.

Edited by Token
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1 hour ago, bigdem said:

ha can i get a trial now pls buddy

Authed :doge:

1 hour ago, MTSKLT said:

Hey buddy, used to use this script a lot and it used to work awesome! But as of right now, can't get any quest to start on my new account. Is this because of new update?

The script is functional, open the logger to check what the issue is

42 minutes ago, paddydev said:

Is it possible to have a trial?

Authed :doge:

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1 hour ago, bigdem said:

similar issue, script seems buggy and quests dont seem to start? logger doenst say anything..just  trying out druidic ritual WONT WORK

Wait for the developers to fix the client 

29 minutes ago, xjack said:

once the client is back and up and running could i have a trial please? :)


Remind me when that happens 

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