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Stealth Quester


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Is there a limit to how many times you can do a quest? Some of the quests I've done are not reappearing in the quest selection box.

Also during Evil Dave subquest the script continuously keeps stroking my kitten instead of chasing vermin. (This happen roughly after 15 minutes of chasing vermin perfectly fine.)

Edited by iamdvs
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7 hours ago, Folk said:

Just a heads up, eveytime i bot tut island i get banned pretty fast afterwards.

Havent had that problem, must be your script/how the account was created/what you did after tut island. Lots of features are in play.

Only wanted this since the script is $20, and tutorial island with the CLI support this script has would be over the top an excellent edition to the script.

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23 hours ago, Folk said:

what quests do you have in the works my man

Will be announced when ready

22 hours ago, Bot 4 zerk said:

Will you be working on adding more quests? or will these be the only quests?


20 hours ago, iamdvs said:

Is there a limit to how many times you can do a quest? Some of the quests I've done are not reappearing in the quest selection box.

Also during Evil Dave subquest the script continuously keeps stroking my kitten instead of chasing vermin. (This happen roughly after 15 minutes of chasing vermin perfectly fine.)

Runescape only allows you to complete every quest once, it's not a script limit

Did it turn into a hell-kitten?

16 hours ago, mrbirdz said:


Reckon i could get a trial dude?

Authed :doge:

10 hours ago, shelboi said:

On the Big Chompy Bird Hunting the script can't buy the items to cook the chomp you have to pick it yourself or the bot will just keep clicking on the fire and the game itself won't register the item.

The script doesn't buy the items, unless you are talking about someting jagex modified in the last game update

7 hours ago, ezpz1234 said:


Can you add tutorial island to stealth quester?

No, that's going to skyrocket the bans on the whole script even if you don't do tutorial island

6 hours ago, Oliver said:

@Token Hey mate, does it support hcim? Gathering the items instead of purchasing them from GE ? or is there an option to have the items in bank?=

You can have the items in bank but this is totally not worth it, the requirements are strictly implemented

2 hours ago, itumi said:

could i have a trial ? :)

Authed :doge:

1 hour ago, milanotje said:

can i get a trial?

Authed :doge:

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