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rip mining army


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some of you know me slightly and i have been using osbot for a while now i decided how far i could get with free bots and ended  up just getting 32 acc simutaniously banned all with 86+ mining with the highest being 98! anyway it was fun and i will miss osbot i don't have the funds to buy pro scripts and don't feel safe using free scripts also i wasn't making any money as they was all power mined (shout out to the creator of frost miner) i have decided to play legit as i finally realised what was the point of watching accounts move by themselfs and reaping no benifit from them i wish you all a good time botting and stay safe! if i can get that far then get them all banned at once they defiantly are having a crackdown of some sort i am obviously devistated but at the same time i expected it comming infact i didn't expect to get that far at all some of the accounts i have pushed 48 hour sesh's in other's hour by hour one half was run off one laptop the othher run off a desktop never swtiched accounts around all had uniqe users/password and soem even had origginal logins from back in 2008/09 all i can say is if jagex wants to ban you they will i don't think how you bot has anything to do with it (to some degree) it has to be the bot itself (i know mnany others banned at the exact same time for the same bot)


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why did you bot 32 accounts all powermining anyway, you didn't make any money because the method you was using didn't make you any money :P


If you used a free script that would even make you 50k per hour which is horrendous on all 32 of them accounts, you'd of been on 1.6m p/h netting almost 40m a day lol

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How did you not profit off of a 32 bot mining farm? 


As he said in his post he was power mining, but crazy none the less, with all them accounts running it makes no sense whatsoever to not bank some of the stuff atleast.


And as for running 32 accounts of 1 ip, i have no idea how you even managed to last 12 hours before losing every single one, its crazy you got them as far as you did, But nice one bud u done well.

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