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My computer broke

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So last night for some reason the power went out in my room. No big deal I go to the garage and flip the switch and turn it back on and go to sleep. This morning I woke up and found that my computer wouldn't turn on. It's custom built by origin so I call them and they tell me to unplug it and completely drain the power out of it. I let it sit for 4 hours and I just tried to plug it back in. Nothing it's completely dead. Is this because of my power supply? I'm using a corsair rm650

(On my phone so auto correct might of screwed some words)


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You could remove the PSU cable, then press the power button so it drains, then try booting. If that doesn't work, try resetting your mobo battery (remove it and put it back in), this could also be a jumper. If that doesn't work, you're donezo and you'll have to call them for help. Its custom built so im assuming its some cheap ass psu.

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Probably a dead PSU. Try finding a friend and use theirs or just buy another (same/greater wattage ofc).


If the new PSU works and the old one doesn't = old PSU is dead, replace.


If the new and old PSU don't work = MoBo probably shot, highly unlikely but happened to my custom build before like around a year ago.


P.S. It's a lot cheaper building your own computer instead of having some company overcharge you.

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They sent me another one for free. I'll try the PSU cable thing aswell.

After a while talking to the origin of technitian guy:

Made sure all the cables were plugged in completely.

Removed ram sticks because apparently they can hold charge, and then put them back in.

After draining the power the motherboard still wouldn't get power and glow like it normally does so they decided to send me another power supply.

(In case you were wondering what I've done)

@medic I have one, forgot to plug it in ;-;

@suriza. I know. I'm a Fucking computer noob though, but I'm learning more and more. I do plan to build my own after my current pc dies from old age.

@strangeguru it's the PSU cables that they used themselves, they might be cheap they might not, idk. I doubt it considering its under warranty and they replace broken stuff for free.

@viius I'll try lol. I'm bad at this stuff

Another question. when I attempt to turn on my pc literally nothing happens, no lights, fans, anything. How could I tell if my mother board was shot?

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