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Scripting Tutor Required!


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Hey guys, I've watched the youtube videos on this forum, but still have many many many questions to ask, after making my first script (more like copying), I was amazed and wanted to keep writing and getting better and better, but the problem is, there's no where to go for questions :/


I get stuck a lot and really do need some assistance (coding in Java) on how to actually do a lot of things.


I have ran bot clients and put in my own codes although it's nothing like java, I've made 1 script thats still pretty shyte.


If anyone would like to help me that would be great. I would gladly try to give you something in return, you name it.


My skype; xogilly


One of my main questions is yes.. how to actually cast a spell.. I have tried everything.. (Clearly not).





Edited by Gilgad
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I'm give you a little advice. I did exactly what you did. Got someone else script, did a little copy and paste, and a bit of editing. I ran the script to see what everything does. If you want to improve your coding, best thing to do is. If your trying to make a magic script, look for a open source magic script. Or download this program that convert the .jar or .class file into readable .java file. Then youll be able to download local scripts and convert them. Then you read into the script and see how cast a spell, and you try it out on your script. Also reading into a couple of java books help improve your coding. If your stuck, you could post help under issue, the community is nice, and helpful.

And if you need any further help or explanation you could ask me on Skype I'll help you out to my best ability


Edited by josedpay
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