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Attacks in Paris


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 I see you did a little bit of research, but if you look further you will notice that eventually Himmler had invented a new sort of religion, based on the beliefs of ancient germans and nazi point of views.

Today a terrorist is called an "extremist", now what is the definition of that word? I have never seen a christian bombing or shooting random people in the name of a god, so they are brainwashed by its beliefs. Wich leads to islam itself actually gives motives to kill, google that too instead of looking towards hitler.

If you want to defend them then thats your choice, but this is my opinion wich i wanted to share.

Not everybody should be following the crowd saying we should still help them all, here in europe there are countless of ex syria fighters, but they still get helped here, do you find that normal? If they didn't allow them to enter europe this would have never happened. All hail putin who actually has the balls to respond with sending 150.000 troops.


There have been plenty of killings/massacre's done by extremists of other religions; islam lately have been slandered most in the last 50 years due to immigration etc. The media talk about stories which will be popular, e.g. Paris attacks were broadcasted mainly because it's alot closer to home and unfortunately more people will care about that, than for example the lebanon bombings etc.


It is a very small % of individuals that become extremists and take their religious beliefs to the extreme and join terrorist groups, a fraction of a percenatage, and the rest of those who practice the same religion condemn their actions also.


Personally i'm an aetheist and think it's all fucking ridiculous the thing's people will do in the name of something they've only been told about and read in books, religion is the route of all evil and always has been, but unfortunately people have their own beliefs even if they are scientifically and proven to be incorrect. People just don't have common sense

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