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Who the fuck cares about your bachelor degrees?

Crack head


Kid.. you really that butt hurt you gotta come here and flame? Lol were you bullied when you were younger and this is your way of making yourself feel better? The image you're portraying of yourself is pretty sad.. lol 

Which province r u from - is this even bc bud?


Nah man lol Ontario 

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Kid.. you really that butt hurt you gotta come here and flame? Lol were you bullied when you were younger and this is your way of making yourself feel better? The image you're portraying of yourself is pretty sad.. lol

Nah man lol Ontario

This is what this section is for; spamming, flaming and being totally random. I enjoy posting here and make fun of people like you. The best thing is their reaction, I just love it.
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Looks nice man. Wish it was legal here in England sad.png


We were just elected a new prime minister lol, he claims he is going to legalize it here shortly.

This is what this section is for; spamming, flaming and being totally random. I enjoy posting here and make fun of people like you. The best thing is their reaction, I just love it.


You must be pretty bored then, cause you ain't getting much from me lol and making yourself look like a tool. But carry on

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We were just elected a new prime minister lol, he claims he is going to legalize it here shortly.


You must be pretty bored then, cause you ain't getting much from me lol and making yourself look like a tool. But carry on

If you didn't care about my posts then you wouldn't have quoted me at all. Just keep snorting that stuff, dope monger.

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Who the fuck cares about your bachelor degrees?

Crack head

hahaha crack head was a clever one. To answer, I definitely care about them man because of them ill be successful so get the fuck out of here with your pathetic insults. Are you compensating for something? Maybe a little slow, maybe can't get into school or maybe just a lazy ass fuck who likes to be someone else on the internet. Also, before you go on telling us to smoke crack or snort dope, were smoking a fucking plant. you know... like people do with tobacco, right? You ingest more negative things waking up taking your fucking ADHD medicine so you can trash us!

Edited by Indigoizm
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hahaha crack head was a clever one. To answer, I definitely care about them man because of them ill be successful so get the fuck out of here with your pathetic insults. Are you compensating for something? Maybe a little slow, maybe can't get into school or maybe just a lazy ass fuck who likes to be someone else on the internet. Also, before you go on telling us to smoke crack or snort dope, were smoking a fucking plant. you know... like people do with tobacco, right? You ingest more negative things waking up taking your fucking ADHD medicine so you can trash us!

Come on man, it was only a joke. You don't have to go all in on me...


I'll be honest, you are right, this is me


Please don't make fun of me. It takes a lot of courage to post this picture.

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I support the medicinal use of marijuana for those who need it. I don't care if you smoke marijuana, just so long as it's on your own dime, in your own time and done privately. But what I take issue with are the stereotypical 24/7 stoner douches who abuse weed to no end, hiding behind the medicinal patients reasoning and damaging the image of the casual users by constantly being the faces associated with marijuana.

Edited by liverare
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