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2 party hat sets,10 Christmas crackers,2 halloween mask set. Keep or sell?


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Now if I am not mistaken Jagex has decided not to allow holiday items to become ultra rare by re-releasing every holiday item every year.

However even if that's the case my knowledge and economics tells me that at some point during the year people who didn't have the chance to do the holiday events previously will want their own copies instead of waiting for the holiday seasons where they will be free(also drop extremely in price).


That said I am wondering if I should sell them now to make some quick cash or not? If I am to sell anything id probably do the Halloween mask first since that's only a month away before redistribution.

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I'd sell then hoard them when they're low price after re-release.


By mid year, their price will go up again. Basically rinse and repeat.

Sounds about right.

That's what I am going to do =)

Update: Holy shit just made 4.2m selling the above mentioned items. That's twice as much as the GE made it seem I would make =).

Thanks again everyone

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