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Do you guys get bans when botting non-jagex work hours?


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I haven't really noticed much of a difference between botting during Jagex work hours or non work hours. If you guys were banned when it wasn't work hours, please specify if you used Mirror/Stealth mode, what time approximately you botted that day (UK time), and what you botted. Thanks ^_^


Stealth Injection

Banned 4 am (UK)

Hunter doing Wagtails


-Towelman (The man behind the towel)


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I bot just before they get to the office , not sure if it helps


Have you been ban-free doing that? Like I'm botting right now I'm wondering if it's a good time to do so.

Thanks for your post Swaps



(bah sorry didn't mean to bump my post)

Edited by towelman
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