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Please download MirrorClient jar.


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I have attempted to delete the mirror client jar, redownload it, and insert it back into the data files. No success.
I have attempted redownloading Java 32bit. No success. (I do not have 64 bit download.)



there has been an rs update, wait patiently for a fix.

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there has been an rs update, wait patiently for a fix.

This is not an error with hooks. 

There are other posts about their mirror clients not working with the new runescape client updates, as mine was not working last night before any updates released. This I think has no relation to the Runescape client, It's more an issue with the jar or osbot client itself.

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This is not an error with hooks. 

There are other posts about their mirror clients not working with the new runescape client updates, as mine was not working last night before any updates released. This I think has no relation to the Runescape client, It's more an issue with the jar or osbot client itself.


if no one else is having a problem, then it isnt osbots fault.

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