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Pures and Pking


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Iv'e always loved the thought of pures and being able to pk well, iv'e just never done it. I had a zerker once but never pked on it because i failed ots defence while whipping. So this will be the start of a new era! I have started my first 1 defence pure and i will keep updates going if anyone is interested.

Current goals: 60 attack / 60 strength with mm / 85 magic ( all by hand)

Day 1: Account creation and questing (38 attack / 49 strenght / 1 Defence / 1 prayer / 1 range /18 magic)

Edited by RDMerchants
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Iv'e always loved the thought of pures and being able to pk well, iv'e just never done it. I had a zerker once but never pked on it because i failed ots defence while whipping. So this will be the start of a new era! I have started my first 1 defence pure and i will keep updates going if anyone is interested.

Current goals: 60 attack / 60 strength with mm / 85 magic ( all by hand)

Day 1: Account creation and questing (38 attack / 49 strenght / 1 Defence / 1 prayer / 1 range /18 magic)

try not to get anywhere near 60 combat. That's my swamp.

rushed 6m yesterday XD

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I'll make sure the items i use only give the xp i want this time tongue.png



I plan to be a d scim / dds pure but i dont see the harm in experimenting smile.png

i prefer d scim dds myself smile.png

i just mean it doesn't matter how good you are at pking, you can do a lot better than you think biggrin.png

granite maul and dds i guess both have the capability to wreck anyone

good luck with it mate

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