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Paint an rs2object?


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Can someone help me out?
Which method is Graphics2D allows for me to paint the wireframe of an RS2Object?


I checked ObjectDebug, first you check if the object is visible on the screen:

if(GraphicUtilities.getScreenCoordinates(bot,obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ(), obj.getHeight()))[0] != -1) {

   GraphicUtilities.drawModel(bot, g, obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ(), obj.getModel());

Edited by RickyD
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But how would I use it to paint, lets say a bank booth?

Just going from memory here.. but try something like this


draw(obj.getModel().getArea(obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ()))

It worked, but it spazzes out, drawing little fragments of it.  Never the whole booth

Edited by RickyD
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But how would I use it to paint, lets say a bank booth?

I checked ObjectDebug, first you check if the object is visible on the screen:


if(GraphicUtilities.getScreenCoordinates(bot,obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ(), obj.getHeight()))[0] != -1) {

   GraphicUtilities.drawModel(bot, g, obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ(), obj.getModel());

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I checked ObjectDebug, first you check if the object is visible on the screen:


if(GraphicUtilities.getScreenCoordinates(bot,obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ(), obj.getHeight()))[0] != -1) {

   GraphicUtilities.drawModel(bot, g, obj.getGridX(), obj.getGridY(), obj.getZ(), obj.getModel());


Yep that works.  I don't know how to read the ObjectDebug :(

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