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I usually don't yolo my only two RS acc's overnight but I'm feeling lucky so from now till I get home from work tomorrow in 20hrs I should have a 99 on my baby and a 96 on my main account I play on that I'd be pissed if it got banned (yea Ik risks lol) so gl me I know it's not a big deal but I usually only yolo the baby for lolz. But I figured I'd risk it for a biscuit....apologies for lack of grammar and dumb topic but I'm bored. Post negative and positive comments to entertain me

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This letter is intended as a kind of vaccine, an inoculation if you will, against the lies that permeate Mrs. Daamurda's agendas. In the text that follows, I won't bother discussing the flaws in Daamurda's logic because she clearly doesn't use any logic. We must change the direction in which our society is headed. If we don't, future generations will not know freedom. Instead, they will know fear; they will know sadness; they will know injustice, poverty, and grinding despair.



Most of all, they will realize, albeit far too late, that Daamurda once said that the most valuable skill one can have is the ability to lie convincingly. Her menials tried hard to blame that reckless quote on me. However, that quote represents nothing that I have ever written, said, or believed. I warrant, therefore, that most people pretty quickly figured out that Daamurda has frequently been spotted making nicey-nice with nefarious prats. Is this because she needs their help to perpetuate harmful stereotypes? You see, in her limited horizon she herself is the important object. As a sequence to this self-conceit, Daamurda imagines that national-security interests can and should be sidestepped whenever her personal interests are at stake. We therefore need to explain to her that her advocates shank the working class in the back to keep the cash spigots flowing, as though it were a disgrace to take the lemons that she's handing us and make lemonade. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper because it's the news that just doesn't fit.



My love for people necessitates that I call for a return to the values that made this country great. Yes, I face opposition from Daamurda. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder. In retrospect, she has always been more polyloquent than most polyloquent bimbos. It is not necessary to continue living with the risks induced by her callous assertions in order reap the cautionary benefits bestowed by the knowledge that she has been reducing history to an overdetermined, wireframe sketch of what are, in reality, complex, dynamic events. It's time to even the score. I suggest that we begin by notifying people of the fact that I can't understand why Daamurda has to be so nitpicky. Maybe a dybbuk has taken up residence inside Daamurda's head and is making her pose a threat to personal autonomy and social development. It's a bit more likely, however, that some people think I'm exaggerating when I say that she cannot completely conceal her true animus and inspiration. But I'm not exaggerating; if anything, I'm understating the situation.

Edited by acapo
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This letter is intended as a kind of vaccine, an inoculation if you will, against the lies that permeate Mrs. Daamurda's agendas. In the text that follows, I won't bother discussing the flaws in Daamurda's logic because she clearly doesn't use any logic. We must change the direction in which our society is headed. If we don't, future generations will not know freedom. Instead, they will know fear; they will know sadness; they will know injustice, poverty, and grinding despair.

Most of all, they will realize, albeit far too late, that Daamurda once said that the most valuable skill one can have is the ability to lie convincingly. Her menials tried hard to blame that reckless quote on me. However, that quote represents nothing that I have ever written, said, or believed. I warrant, therefore, that most people pretty quickly figured out that Daamurda has frequently been spotted making nicey-nice with nefarious prats. Is this because she needs their help to perpetuate harmful stereotypes? You see, in her limited horizon she herself is the important object. As a sequence to this self-conceit, Daamurda imagines that national-security interests can and should be sidestepped whenever her personal interests are at stake. We therefore need to explain to her that her advocates shank the working class in the back to keep the cash spigots flowing, as though it were a disgrace to take the lemons that she's handing us and make lemonade. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper because it's the news that just doesn't fit.

My love for people necessitates that I call for a return to the values that made this country great. Yes, I face opposition from Daamurda. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder. In retrospect, she has always been more polyloquent than most polyloquent bimbos. It is not necessary to continue living with the risks induced by her callous assertions in order reap the cautionary benefits bestowed by the knowledge that she has been reducing history to an overdetermined, wireframe sketch of what are, in reality, complex, dynamic events. It's time to even the score. I suggest that we begin by notifying people of the fact that I can't understand why Daamurda has to be so nitpicky. Maybe a dybbuk has taken up residence inside Daamurda's head and is making her pose a threat to personal autonomy and social development. It's a bit more likely, however, that some people think I'm exaggerating when I say that she cannot completely conceal her true animus and inspiration. But I'm not exaggerating; if anything, I'm understating the situation.

Good read but I'm a guy so he not her
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