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Hi guys!


I'm looking for 1 or 2 testers of my new script, APA AIO Smither

A link to the dev topic can be found here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/76767-apa-aio-smither-hopefully-coming-soon-to-sdn/


demo vid (apologies for lag and misclicks, my computer struggles to run OSB and OBS simultaneously):




So yea, i'm looking for 1-2 testers who will be available to test the script before it's public release.

  • You must provide me with a proggie whenever you stop the script. Please sent a screen capture of the WHOLE SCREEN. I will feature these screenies if they are long enough, and i will blot out your details (eg hp level) if you request.
  • You must run the script in a variety of modes, trying a variety of locations. eg try smelting mithril in edge, steel in port phasmatys, and smithing bronze chainbodies in varrock.
  • You must be confident running the script from long amounts of time (6 hours with breaks).

You will be rewarded by:

  • Obviously you get to use the script when u are testing it. So that's always a plus.
  • I will auth the script to you for 1 MONTH after it's official premium release.
  • Being featured on the thread (not a big thing I know, but it's something)

Please PM me if you wish to help in the testing process. I will start handing out testing auths when the script is uploaded (hopefully later this week).




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