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beezmans services


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1) You need to pay a 10m 07 deposit fee. (Refundable when you want to leave.)

2) The deposit fee will not be refunded if you are caught scamming or kicked from the service.

3) Any work done outside of  beezmans services or in direct competition with me while being a member of the team will result in an automatic dissmisal without refund of your deposit

4) At all times must treat me with dignity and respect.

5) When you complete an order, you get paid 100% of the order.

7) Reasons you may be kicked from the service are: 

• Not completing orders you've taken.

• Disrespecting me.

• A sudden inactivity without a warning given to me.

8. you will not seek out jobs i will provide you jobs and you will accept them.




Edited by Beezmans
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#5 makes no sense 

good luck hiring workers


The jobs are likely for his own accounts and he's having trouble finding a service to do them for his price... As #8 doesn't make much sense either if you are trying to build a service, you would want your workers to be proactive in finding work (unless beez already has massive clientele or he only wants you to work on his own accounts as stated in the previous sentence). 

Edited by Stixx
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The jobs are likely for his own accounts and he's having trouble finding a service to do them for his price... As #8 doesn't make much sense either if you are trying to build a service, you would want your workers to be proactive in finding work (unless beez already has massive clientele or he only wants you to work on his own accounts as stated in the previous sentence). 

i have 3-4 people[including myself] needing 20-30 accounts made total :) so yes you are correct in assuming im looking for reliable workers for myself :)

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