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How to safely transfer botted goods?


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Keeping in mind that my main, mule, and bot all share the same IP and run on the same machine, whats the safest method to transfer my pixel stash.


Idea 1) Drop trade in the wilderness, and telegrab the items.

Idea 2) Just stake it all over from bot to mule, then wait a few days, then from mule to main


Ive also heard of the table method but it seems kinda iffy, maybe with telegrab too?


Or if you know of something safer (safer then just saying "happy birthday" after you trade 1m+ worth of stuff) then please share :]

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Don't if you want 100% safety because that doesn't exists. Else just trade or stake it over smile.png Staking would be a better idea I think.

I'd say trading is safer. If you stake it over from a level 3 to an account and you get caught for that anyways, staking it over is quite obvious that you're trying to hide it.

Cause who stakes nothing vs a level 3 staking you random items

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