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Sick script, tried black salamanders, it's working fine but it's only using 3 traps, is this intended (can use 5 traps)

Do you have Skype and could show me? Sold my level 85 hunter and have one that is only 74 right now.







Okay guys, just a little update! I am tweaking box trap hunting more, and I have fixed player conversations as well! Will keep you guys posted! :)

Edited by ProjectPact
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Sick script, tried black salamanders, it's working fine but it's only using 3 traps, is this intended (can use 5 traps)



Hey bud, just ran the script here for a while and everything is working perfectly! If you are using mirror mode, it WILL mess up occasionally because OSBot's mirror client isn't perfect with object rendering, so it doesn't detect stuff sometimes. Usually a refresh of your client and internet browser, you should be okay. I would recommend running the script in injection mode because it is more stable, and is designed for my script.




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Okay guys! Version 1.9 has been pushed! Literally spent ALL day on it! SO many new features... like so many I probably won't even remember to list half of them! Here goes nothing!


version 1.9:


* updated my advanced trapping detection system

* added/ removed timers for trapping

* added FULL black chinchompa pk'er support (Will run to 30 wildy and attempt to tele if you have a glory with charges, runes, or teletabs to varrock or falador. If you have no way of teleporting, your player will run to the closest bank)

* rewrote the entire banking system for chinchompas (added teleporting using a dueling ring if you are close to castle wars, or a glory with charges, runes, or teletabs to varrock or falador if you are closer to one of those locations. If you have no way of teleporting, your player will run to the closest bank)

* added full support for teleblock with a new paint display with a timer (If you get teleblocked, a timer will show up with the time left in cool down. Your bot will NOT teleport while they are teleblocked, but instead run to the closest bank)

* enabled Pre-set traps automatically now

* made wildy level checks for all teleporting ways (minimum of level 30 for glory, and 20 for all other teleporting)

* fixed a chinchompa bug that would check/ dismantle multiple traps at the same time

* fixed a bug trying to get traps after teleporting

* rewrote my entire eating handler task

* fixed a bug that would not let you eat while you were walking

* fixed a bug that would not recognize you were in combat while walking

* fixed a bug that would not recognize other players while you were black chin hunting

* fixed a bug that would not recognize other players while you were black chin hunting and needed to either get more traps or deposit chinchompas

* fixed a bug when auto talking to another player, you would stop everything you were doing to reply

* added multiple custom checks for things such as if you are in the wildy, what level wildy you are in, if you can teleport, etc...

* added more than 10 new task classes

* placed multiple new fail-safes in multiple spots of the code

* fixed a bug that would try to walk on a spot that you were already on












This is an extremely large update. Please, if there are any bugs you find, let me know so I can fix them ASAP! 


Thanks you,


- ProjectPact


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Any chance i could get another 24 hr trial to test red/blk chins? 



Only because 1.9 is a HUGE update with anti-pk support! tongue.png


Please leave some progress reports! 


(remember, if you are doing black chins, wear your glory with multiple charges)


I will eventually add it to where if you run out of glories and have another in your bank, to get that out and put your old one back. As of now, just buy one that has 6 charges. OR get teletabs or runes to teleport to either falador or varrock (depending on which one you're closer to, or which runes you have. tongue.png

Edited by ProjectPact
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Only because 1.9 is a HUGE update with anti-pk support! tongue.png


Please leave some progress reports! 


(remember, if you are doing black chins, wear your glory with multiple charges)


I will eventually add it to where if you run out of glories and have another in your bank, to get that out and put your old one back. As of now, just buy one that has 6 charges. OR get teletabs or runes to teleport to either falador or varrock (depending on which one you're closer to, or which runes you have. tongue.png


on it :)

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im LOVING the script! however there is this terrible lag when i run it. when i stop the script the lag dissapears instantly. not sure:/ using Mirror mode btw


EDIT: lag is still bad with injection mode



Have you tried running the script in low CPU mode and running the client in low CPU mode as well (which can be found on the top right hand corner of the bot under settings, then options, then advanced. :)


Hope this helps!

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