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Everything works, except black chins. #1 it uses only 4 traps. #2 the logout time is slow, #3 if i get attacked, it just dies, doesnt run off to glory himself out. #4 xprate is bad. I bought this for black chins but turned out to be a dissapointment. It doesnt bank or anything. Just waits until it dies, i cant get any profit from there.

Edited by Zubbbz
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Everything works, except black chins. #1 it uses only 4 traps. #2 the logout time is slow, #3 if i get attacked, it just dies, doesnt run off to glory himself out. #4 xprate is bad. I bought this for black chins but turned out to be a dissapointment. It doesnt bank or anything. Just waits until it dies, i cant get any profit from there.

1. So if you are in the wildly, you get +1 whatever the max amount of traps you may place?

2. The logout is handled by OSBot, I have no ability to control it.

3. There is nothing that can prevent you from getting attacked 100% in any hunting script. It's a price you pay hunting in the wilderness.

4. Banking is actually in development.

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I've got some problems with red chins since this morning, it does not start setting up traps.


State: Running Bank Handler, it does not change from that state



OH NO! The wrong version of the script was pushed this morning :( 


Anything to do with chins will be unable to work until OSBot pushes the correct version. I have already repushed the right version. Look for 1.5 to come out at some point today, whenever a dev gets around to pushing it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 


HOWEVER! On the bright side, at least you know what I'm working on :p Full banking for chins (Even black chins). You will be able to enter how many chins you want to catch before banking. The bot will automatically find the closest bank to your players position, and walk there. I'm in testing of the banking right now, which is why you're seeing the banking task pop up. Will post more updates as I get closer to releasing it! 


I pushed version 1.5, like I said which removes all banking tests I have done. I also fixed the login and added a quick dynamic signature creation for anyone who has not made it on there yet. You won't know this is running because it is in the background. 


Once again, sorry for the goof up, but I'm just trying to update the script as much as possible since I have a few free days in my hand! :D


- ProjectPact

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REALLY big updates coming out soon! Version 1.6


Here is a list of a few of the things I've done:


* added banking (will find the closest bank to your based on your position and walk to it) [ONLY HUNTER BOT ON OSBOT TO SUPPORT BANKING QwPha8E.png]

* added getting more equipment support for box traps and bird snares. Based on an advanced system that works amazing!

* edited black chin hunting & black salamander hunting to NOT quick hop when you are banking/ out of the wilderness.

* added a fail safe which will handle if your character ever walks >= 10 spots away from your trap layout if you aren't banking or getting more traps.

* added an isAdvancedTrapping feature to detect when and when not to use certain webwalking features.

* removed Yanielle from my custom bank grabber. It was too dangerous for low levels with Ogres being present (I died twice testing so decided to remove).

* picks up traps before going to the bank so you don't leave any behind.

* updated the GUI to allow you to enter the amount of chinchompas caught before banking.

* fixed my custom break handler not activating correctly.

* also fixed a bug that when the break handler was activated, it would pick up traps and then attempt to relay them.

* fixed multiple bugs dealing with playerSize > 1 (mainly for black chinchompas and salamanders);

* a few more things that are behind the scenes. 



will be adding support for getting more equipment for salamanders eventually as well, and banking for them as well. This includes waterskins for the desert. smile.png

Edited by ProjectPact
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(1) Date Found: 3/2/16


(2) Client Version: 2.4.43


(3) Mirror Mode/ Injection: both


(4) Script Version: idk?


(5) Screen Shot(s): http://prntscr.com/aabs03


(5) A Detailed Description Of Problem: says i need 3 open spaces AND I DO!?!?!?!?

very frustrating


edit: edited name out of screeny lol

Edited by blackmice1
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(1) Date Found: 3/2/16


(2) Client Version: 2.4.43


(3) Mirror Mode/ Injection: both


(4) Script Version: idk?


(5) Screen Shot(s): N/A


(5) A Detailed Description Of Problem: says i need 3 open spaces AND I DO!?!?!?!?

very frustrating




It's because you  are trying to catch birds with "Box traps" instead of "Bird snares"! biggrin.png

Edited by ProjectPact
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OMG LOOOOOOOOOOOOL i feel like such an idiot hahahahha thank you

can you please edit the screeny out of your quoted post for my safety


Hahahha no worries man! And sure! Already went ahead and fixed it for you. 


Thanks for your support!


Also, be on the lookout for a really big update coming soon!

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