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PPOSB - AIO Hunter


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Okay I can see the logic in that, but why does the bot, after it has picked up both traps, not place it on the branch where its standing? It always goes back to the first trap it picked up. So I see where you're coming from on the picking up part, but it should lay the trap closest to it after that. Hope I explained it clearly enough :p



Yea I see what you mean, I'm going to look into that for you. I know the reason it is doing that, and I do know how to fix it. The only problem is that it is going to be making your CPU do even more calculations than it already is. :p   So you gotta give a little to get a little ;)

horrible at doing black salamanders



horrible at explaining what is wrong

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Beta testing for Progression has just been released! Look for version 4.0! QwPha8E.png



Remember, PLEASE make a bug report for any problems you run into with progression so I can fix them ASAP! Lots of new updates!





  • fixed a castle wars teleport bug
  • fixed SQL injection for high scores
  • fixed a paint NPE with trap spots
  • fixed a conversation starter bug
  • fixed a startup error
  • fixed releasing salamanders
  • reordered the trapping layout for salamanders
  • increased trapping speed
  • removed quick hop for black salamanders
  • fixed a bug if a spot was not walkable, you wouldn’t try to relocate positions
  • fixed a tooltip bug in GUI
  • rewrote trap spots not handling when you can’t place a trap 
  • fixed a spam of checking traps
  • updates were made dealing with the comparator method




Also: All bug reports have been looked at that were made on my website and should be fixed in this version of the script!




EDIT: Version 4.0 should be released today! I missed the cutoff yesterday for pushing script updates. So it should be out sometime today whenever a developer can get around to it! :)

Newest version is now live! Go try it out!

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mate could i get some help with the swamp lizard setup? everything i try it gives a error ohmy.png




only release the lizards, doing nothing else 



Is the log saying anything? Because right now, it thinks you don't have any traps set up, which is why it isn't tending to them.

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